b'OPINION WORD OF GOD Gender Insanity HeI Am Your Shieldwho cheated by racing against women used to be known as Will Thomas. wasamediocreswimmerincompeti-tionsagainstothermen.So,Thomas announcedthatheisnowatrans woman, changed his name to Lia," andBy Mary Lu Saddorisdemanded to race in women\'s competi-tions. course,our"woke"universities,M y dear, dear child, listen to only Ofmyvoice.KnowIwillspeak the NCAA and many adults who shouldtruth to you as only I can. Child, the Lia Thomas with championship trophy / Getty Images know better said that was a great idea.other voices will lie to you. The other By Apostles Lawrence & Dr. Sandra Powell Formonthsnow,Thomashasdomi- voices will discourage you and try to natedfemaleswimmingcompetitions,get you off my track.frequentlyshatteringrecordswhile R ECENTLY,Dr.JamesDobsonsdenyingactualbiologicalwomentheMy child, trust in me today with all Family Institute Family Talk Policyawardsandrecognitiontheyshouldof your heart. Know I have the best Updatedealtwiththereportthatahavereceivedfortheiryearsofhardintentionsforyou.Child,leannot healthy resistance to gender insanitytraining and practice. on your own understanding. Child in seems to be building across the coun- everythingacknowledgemeasLord try! HECONTINUESButthisissimplyofyourlife.Iwillleadyouonthe Theglaringissueathandis:cheating, just as if any female swimmerstraight path.BIOLOGICALMENCOMPETINGASwas doped up on steroids! A biological TRANSGENDERWOMENINFEMALEman,becauseofmalehormones,hasChild, taste me and see how good ATHLETIC EVENTS! stronger lungs, a bigger heart muscle,I am for you. Know dear one that I strongerarmandlegmusclesandisam a good father to you. My love for AS COMMENTED ON by writer Garytallerthantheaveragewoman.Noyou is from everlasting to everlasting. BauerinhisarticleMenSwimmingamountofhormonetreatmentswillChild, even when you thought not, I AgainstReality,henotedthefollow- erase that natural advantage!! have always been with you. Child, IMary Lu Saddorising: HE ENDS WITH:The good news ishave never betrayed you. Keep look-Youmaynothavenoticedthatthisthat a healthy resistance to this gen- ingtoonlymemydearone.Knowwill find me as Lord of their lives. My past week has been a very bad time forderinsanityseemstobebuildingthat I do have all your answers. child, go forth in my name. Time is of Americanfemaleathletes,specificallyacross the country! the essence. Time as you know it is femalecollegeswimmers.Theydidn\'tSAINTS,HAVEYOUEVENKnowthatIamtheway.KnowIso very short. Go forth now, this very lose races to women from other coun- CONSIDERED THIS?am the truth. I cannot lie ever to you.day my child.tries.TheywerebeatoutbyanotherKnow child, I am the life. I have given American who is actually a \'biologicalIFNOT,PERHAPSITSTIMETOyoueternallife.YouwillruleandDear one, meditate daily upon my man!!\' WEIGH IN ON WHAT YOU BELIEVEreignwithmeforever.Child,Iamword.Mywordwillbealightunto HE GOES ON As we have reportedTHE BIBLE SAYS CONCERNING THISgiving you my new dreams to dream.yourfeet.Mywordwillbealamp before,this\'biologicalmaleswimmer\'MATTER! Continue to trust in me, my dear one.unto your path. My word, as I have Child, when things dont make sensesaid, will renew your mind. My word keep your trust in only me, dear one.will bring you hope. My word will give Do not stand idly by, come into myyou strength. My word will give you harvest field to set the captives free.courage.Manyhavegottenlostanddonot know which way to go. Thoughthewayseemssovery dark, trust in me to do for you all that Child, speak forth the words that II have said. I will light your way and give unto you to speak. Many will lis- take you through. My dear, dear pre-ten and hear my spoken truth. Manycious, precious child.Know that I am the way. Know I am the truth. I cannot lie ever to you. Know child, I am the life. I have given you eternal life. You will rule and reign with me forever.8 APRIL 2022 BOCNEWS.com'