b'SCRIPTURERoad to ArmageddonBy Michael Forti the ways of this world instead of coming out fromfunction just fine without it. Just check out the sta-amongit, allforthesakeofchurchgrowth.Youtistics and watch the nightly news. Life is not going have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.so well.J esusclearlylaysoutacrystalclear,endtime,Whyaretheydead?WAKEUP,beWATCHFUL!4. There will be famines. It appears that everyone prophetic blueprint concerning the signs of theBut if you do not WAKE UP, be WATCHFUL, I willhas plenty to eat. Yet, tell that to the women and times in Matthew 24:4-13, along with many othercomelikeathief,andyouwillnotknowatwhatchildren who are fleeing Ukraine. This is the year scriptures in the Holy Bible. He does this for a rea- timeIwillcometoyou(Rev3:1-3NIV84-KJV).2022.Civilizationsaresupposedtobeadvanced son. If you take a close look, you will see that He pri- Why were they not being watch- way beyond hunger. YET Jesus oritizes these signs. A no brainer. He keeps it simpleful?Becausetheywerebeingwarnstheworld.Satanwill and to the point, and He leaves nothing out! Are wefedwithcheapbrace,health,deceiveasmanyaspossible. the generation that will see Jesus come? Should thewealthandprosperity,insteadHealreadyhasmuchofthe church be READY, WAITING and WATCHING, andofTURNorBURN!NOMOREworld sold out to the power of WARNED, with caution?! How close are we?! URGENCY! money and fame, but no power 1. First order of business. WARNING! RELIGIOUS2. You will hear of wars andtoescapetheflamesofhell. DECEPTION! Watch out that no one deceives you.rumorsofwars,butseetoitSatan is the ruler of fear, fam-For many will come in My Name, claiming, I am thethat you are not alarmed. Suchine and oppression.Christ, and will deceive MANY. What was Jesus say- thingsmusthappen,butthe5.Therewillbeearth-ing? Was He saying that many will come, claimingend is still to come. Christians,quakes.Ifyoutakeaquick to be the Christ? Or, was He saying that many willway back in 1944 thought thatlook at the statistics on earth-come, PREACHING in the Name of Jesus, saying thattheywereseeingthecomingquakes, you will see that they Jesus is the way to salvation, yet will deceive manyoftheantichrist.Noquestion,are increasing, across the board (2Tim 4:1-8, 2 Pet 2:1-3, Matt 7:21)? As you read thethey were seeing an antichrist.involumeandmagnitude.If rest of the New Testament, we can clearly interpretThats exactly what we are see- youtakealookatflood,vol-that there will be many in these very last days whoing on the nightly news today.canic, asteroid, forest fire, and are preaching in the name of Jesus, yet will deceiveThere will be wars and rumorstornadoactivity,youwillfind many. How could this happen? Its clear today, thatofwars,andmanyantichriststhat these catastrophic events many are preaching that Jesus is the Savior, yet theywillcome,leavingapathofare also increasing all around are preaching some other Jesus, some other gospeldeath and destruction (1 Johnthe world.Yet Jesus says, All and some other spirit.2:18-29). All leading up to theForti thesearetheBEGINNINGof Theyareministeringtoaworldlygenerationofroad of eternal death. I can hearbirth pains. churchgoers who are receiving a watered down ver- someone saying, Michael, quit sion of the truth. LUKE WARM! Pauls warning notbeing so negative. Friends, Im not going to feed you6.ThenJesusconcludes,andrepeats,forthe only went out to the churches 2000 years ago, butwith false hopes, or to water down the Word just toSECOND time, At that time, MANY will turn away itsgoingouttotodaysgenerationofprofessingprevent your church from being boarded up. Jesus isfrom the faith and will betray and hate each other, Christians. I am astonished that you are so quicklyComing Soon! He is NOT coming for those who thinkandMANYfalseprophetswillappearanddeceive desertingtheOnewhocalledyoubythegraceofthey are alive, yet are dead (Rev 3:1-3). He is com- many people. Because of the increase of wickedness Christ and are TURNING to a different gospel-whiching for those who are truly alive, and who are con- the love of most will grow cold (Matt 24:10-11, 2 is no gospel at all. Evidently, some people are throw- tinuously remaining READY, they are WAITING, andTim3:1-3-NIV84).Thinkaboutthisforaminute. ing you into confusion and are trying to pervert thetheyareWATCHING!Unfortunately,therearetooYou cannot turn away from a faith that you never gospelofChrist.Butevenifweorananglefrommany today who think they are saved, but in reality,had. He is talking about believers who once knew the heaven should preach a gospel other than the onetheyre not. Only a wolf would stay quiet.Lord, who once knew the truth yet have fallen away we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned3.Nationwillriseagainstnationandkingdom(Heb 3:14, 6:4-6, 10:26, 2 Pet 2:19-21).(Galatians1:6-10NIV84).Howcanweknowifagainst kingdom.You bet! We are seeing this inLuke explains it like this. Nation will rise against someone is perverting the gospel by preaching someour own nation, as many are rising up against eachnation,andkingdomagainstkingdom.Therewill other gospel and some other Jesus? Please read 2other. Robbing and hating each other. Tearing busi- beearthquakes,famines,andpestilencesinvari-Peter 2:1-16 (GREED), 3:1-17, Jude 3-4 (changingness apart. Steeling, killing, beating and raping theirous places, and fearful events and great signs from the grace), 1 Corinth 15:1-2, Rev 3:1-3 (Not beingown countrymen and women (2Tim 3:1-3)! What canheaven (Luke 21:10-11). Be careful, or your (believ-watchful). Churchgoers today are being led to believewe expect? People have thrown away their owners- ers) hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, that its OK to become more and more conformed tomanual (Bible) in the trash, thinking that they candrunkenness, and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon ALL those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be ALWAYS on the WATCH, and pray that you may be able, or found worthy, to escape ALL that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man (Luke 21:34-36 NIV84-KJV). This does not sound like health, wealth and prosperity. Pauls warning not only went out to the churches 2000We are about to experience the Soon Coming of our years ago, but its going out to todays generation ofLord! Jesus says in Luke 21:25, There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and toss-professing Christians. I am astonished that you are soing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehen-sive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly quickly deserting the One who called you by the grace ofbodies will be shaken (asteroids). At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power Christ and are TURNING to a different gospel-which is noand great glory.Then Jesus closes with encourage-ment and hope. When these things BEGIN to take gospel at all. Evidently, some people are throwing you intoplace, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:25-28 NIV 84). confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.Are these things BEGINNING to take place?! I would say so. God wants us to be blessed and he wants all But even if we or an angle from heaven should preach atrue believers to prosper, as long as Christians are not being conformed to the ways of this world to do gospel other than the one we preached to you, lit (Rom 12:1-4). Thats the grate deception. You can-not serve the Lord and this world at the same time.et him be eternally condemnedArethesignsofthetimesincreasing?Youbet! While devastation is taking place across the world, othersaroundtheworldwillbeeating,drinking, buying, selling, planting and building. Life as usual (Luke 17:26-36).Until next time, Jesus is Coming Soon! Are you going to be ready?!4 APRIL 2022 BOCNEWS.com'