b'SERMONControlling Your Anger Is A Spiritual Issue!"In your anger do not sin: "Do not let the sun goANGERINITSELFISNOTNECESSARILYtimesfindyourselfinthattriggersanger!Now, down while you are still angry, and do not give theWRONG!But impatient anger that fails to take thecommit yourself to take a stepsuch asdevil a foothold!" other person\'s needs into account can be destruc- counting to ten or 15, Ephesians 4:26-27tive!!!That\'s one of the reasons why it\'s so importantleaving the room/event or leaving the house,to show patience in our words and actions, evenor putting your hand over your mouthBy Apostles Lawerence & Dr. Sandra Powell when we are upset with someone!Patience givesTHISWILLHELPYOUUSEPATIENCETO us a chance to apply reason to the emotions thatCONTROL "YOUR ANGER!!!"might otherwise cause us to do or say something AOFNINETHOUSANDBRITISHCIVILunloving!!! 4:26-27REMINDSUSTHAT STUDY SERVANTS, reported in the Archives of InternalEPHESIANS Medicine,foundthat"prolongedanger"isbadforCONTROLLINGOURANGERISASPIRITUAL one\'s health!!! ISSUE!!!Participants who were involved in hostile, criticalWHEN WE FAIL TO CONTROL OUR ANGER, WE relationships were 34 percent more likely to have aGIVE SATAN AN OPPORTUNITY TO ATTACK USheart attack or chest pain compared to participantsAND OUR MINDS, BODIES, AND RELATIONSHIPS who had emotional support and frequent opportuni- ALL TAKE A BEATING!!!ties to voice their feelings in a healthy way!! Action Step: Picture a situation you might some-BODY OF CHRIST NEWS APRIL 2022 15'