b'SCRIPTUREMOO Puts the Community FirstT heMuOmegaOmegaChapterthebestinterestofchildrenwho ofAlphaKappaAlphaSorority,areprimarilyinfostercare.These Incorporatedisnostrangertovolunteers specialize in working with supremeservice,notjusttotheirchildwelfareprofessionals,educa-communityinAurora,butalsotors, and service providers who can tosurroundingareasthroughoutassist judges who are making deci-Coloradoandthenation.Throughsion for each child. MOO will contin-the leadership of Kathy Nesbitt, thisue to support CASA throughout the amazing group of women continuesmonth of April, which is Child Abuse to put the needs of the communityPrevention Month, and will encour-first. age the community to attend CASAs bocnews.com WereonlyafewmonthsintoaRally for Kids on April 1, 2022, from busy new year, and despite the chal- 12:00pm1:00pm. lengesbroughtonbyanOmicronInadditiontotheirworkwith surge at the top of the year and con- CASA, the Aurora Chapter of Alpha tinuing to navigate our new normal,KappaAlpha,Incorporatedworked the ladies of MOO have worked dili- diligently with the Denver University gently to provide dozens of hygieneBlackCommunityAdvisoryBoard products to girls experiencing abuseto raise new and gently used books and neglect in Colorado. The Socialforunhousedneighborsthisyear. Justice Committee, led by KimberlyThe book drive had a special focus Howard, recently provided 25 PrettyonBlackauthorsandillustrators Panty Packs to the Court Appointedand was initially slated as an event Special Advocates (CASA) program inmarking the celebration of Dr. Martin February.Luther King Jr. Day. After an amaz-TheCASAprogramprovides trainedvolunteerstoadvocateforContinued on Page 72 APRIL 2022 BOCNEWS.com'