b'bocnews.com COMPLIMENTARYAPRIL 2022B C N COLORADOVOLUME 33, ISSUE 8 ody ofhristews"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16SERVING COMMUNITIES IN: DENVER, AURORA, MONTBELLO, BOULDER, COLORADO SPRINGS & PUEBLOSuperitendentDr. Charles Scurles, Jr. Passes atSupt. Dr. Scurls was atrue family patriarch.age 75 December 26, 1946to March 7, 2022PAGE EighteenWORD OF THE MONTHPastor Poly Sanders-PetersonShower of BlessingsG odsaysin EZEKIEL34: 26 , He will make us and our place aroundusahill ofBLESSINGS andSHOWER usinseason andwewillbe aSHOWEROF BLESSING.During April we see,experience timesofrain, pops of sun and even some snow . ButGodsLovestoSHOWERus in His Abundant, Caring, Love and BLESSING EPHESIANS 3:20 GodwillnotonlySHOWERUs, butouroffsprings,anddescen-dants! ISAIAH 44:3 & HEBREWS 6:14With Love,Call: 303-744-2122 Prayer Line Visit: CovenantHouseOfLove.com'