b'ACT . from page 7money has slowed down. Second Acts aggressive 2020/2021 goals for sales, sponsorships,andadvertisinghave been mutedfor now.At the same time, Second Act has a stronger and wider presence because oftherelianceontheinternetfor almost 95% of its conferences, meet-ingsandevents.AndthatsNOTa bad thing! noted Barbara. We want to help women; that is our purpose.It has been a challenge, but I can hon-estly say that I felt that God was sitting on my shoulder, saying, You can do this. Ive got your back.What makes Second Act for Women 40& 50+ uniquely different from other womensgroupsandorganizations? Our niche.Our company is targeted specifically on this group of women, replied Brooks.The focus on women 40 and 50+.Nearly 90% of our content is also led by women who are part of this target demo, and not the general-ized info that is traditionally presented atwomensconferencesandwork-shops.Second Act Womens informa-tion is about building a womans brand at 40+/50-plus years of age.Hirt totally agrees.We recognize that lifeandbusinessco-exist.Womens lives are complex and integrated, and Second Act understands that.There is no separate business life which isnt impacted in some manner by the hypo-thetical separate family/personal life.Then she nailed the issue in one sen-tence: You have to honor yourself as a woman first, in order to find your path as a businesswoman.Second Act Womens co-founders are fully aware of their faith and belief in ahigherPower,asevidencedinthe #blessed sign hanging on Lupes office wall.Barbaraisclearonthispoint. We wholeheartedly believe it.I belief inmybeingthatHewillleadusto helping more women than we thought we could.People can go through life, blessed withthetalentsthatwehavebeen given and be successful, and not nec-essarilybelieveinGod,addsLupe. But when you dig deep and have the opportunity to understand that there aregreaterforcesatworkwithwhat you do single every day, it cant be not bedescribedasanythingelsethan Godshandhelpingus.Itsdivine intervention at its finest.And were speechless.We couldnt do what we do without Him.Barbara Brooks and Lupe Hirt can be contacted at Second Act Women for 40 & 50+: hello@secondactwomen.com or @secondact.8 MARCH 2021 BOCNEWS.com'