b'OBITUARIESRev. Hansford Fallard Vann, Jr.July 7, 1934January 11, 2021S onny\'s Story, IN THE BEGINNING HansfordFallardVanJr.,\'Sonny\' ashewasaffectionatelycalled,was anonlychildbornJuly7,1934 toHansfordSr.andPaulime(Von Dickershon) in Denver, Colorado. Hansfoord grew up in the Five Points EastSideNeighborhood,andattend-edShorterAMEBaptistChurchand Central Baptist Church.As a youth, Hansford was part of the "Three Hums and a Bum" singing group, and gradu-ated from Manual High School in 1952 where he played football and baseball. GoThunderbolts!ANCHORSAWAY Hansford enlisted in the United States Navyin1956,andwasassignedto the USS Ticonderoga. He achieved the rank of 3rd Class Petty Officer, trav-eled the world and was honorably dis-charged in 1960. AftertheNavy,heworkedasa mechanic and auto body specialist at Colorado Kenworth.A life-long "tinker-er", he could fix anything with a motor, and man did he love to fish!GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT As a young man,HansfordservedasDeaconat Central Baptist Church in Denver, and in the late 1960\'s he answered the callfor 39 years. His accolades and com-topreach.Hereceiveddegreesfrommunityactivitiesaretoonumerous Baptist Bible College and the Baptisttolist,sohereareafew;Chaplain-Seminary in Denver. He was ordainedColorado University football and bas-and served as the Assistant Pastor atketballteams,Chaplain-Colorado Central Baptist Church .HouseofRepresentatives,Boulder In 1972, he became Pastor of SecondLiving Legend. Baptist Church (aka SBC) in Boulder,June11-12,2011wasdeclared Colorado.PastorVannwasacom- Hansford F. Vann day, by Mayor Susan mittedandhumbleleaderwholovedM.Osborne.ATIMETOMOURN the Lord, and Loved his flock. He didPastorEmeritusVannwaspreceded everythingfromdrivingthechurchindeathbyhisparents,anddaugh-van, playing the ukulele for the chil- terJessicaBennett.Heleaveswife, dren and leading SBC men\'s advanceEleanor "Elle" Vann children Deborah weekends.Clardy;JonathanLindsay;Apryl A lover of music, he was so proud"Talley"Ford;andJoyVann,eight of the church\'s award winning Men\'sgrandchildren,fourteengreatgrand-Chorus,andadoredhearingthechildren, one great-great grandson, a Children\'s Choir sing "Oh, What He\'shost of cousins, nieces, nephews and Done for Me" He served the SBC folckfriends.Deaconess Hattie Mae Johnson,January 6, 1933 - February 17, 2021J oin us for the CELEBRATION OF LIFEforHattieMaeJohnsonon Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 11AM.Pleasevisitwww.tributearchive.com/obituaries/20012459/Hattie-Mae-Johnson/wall to share a memory or sentiment.Thecelebrationwillbeheldat SecondBaptistChurch,5300 BaselineRoad,Boulder,CO80303. Call 303.499.4668 for info.Kindlysendflowerstoarriveon March13,2021atSecondBaptist Church. Cards can be sent to:Elouise Cookie Johnson6464 Simms St., # CArvada, CO 80004Rev. James RayBODY OF CHRIST NEWS MARCH 2021 13'