b'FIRST LADIESStepping Out of My Church BoxBy Nora Blackman-Rachards from the stories I heard from women during those early years in ministry. The response was astounding. WomenWomen have been conditioned E arlyoninmyroleasapastorsfrom all over the world also wanted toto take care of everyone except wife, female members often sharedshare their stories.In 2007, I decidedthemselves.some of their deepest preoccupationstohelpafriendplanaconference. andsorrowswithme.MyreflexiveThis friend read my articles on a radio responsewastosayeither,PrayshowshehostedinCostaRica.Thethan they are given credit for. They aboutit,orYouneedtospeaktoarticlessparkedinterest.Itwasatarethespiritualandemotional thepastor.Myinterjections,whilethat point that God spoke to me aboutbackbone of many families.meanttobehelpful,werereallyagatheringlike-mindedwomenwho4. Womenhavebeenconditionedto misguidedattempttodoleoutpre- would be willing to share their storiestake care of everyone except them-scribedchurchifiedanswers.Ididandexperiencestoempowerotherselves.not know how to handle their pain andwomen. This was how 4 Real Women was uncomfortable with their need toInternational Inc. (4RWI), a non-profit5. Women want to be confident that share.organizationthatserveswomenandtheirneedsanddreamsmatter; It finally dawned on me that thesegirls, was born. they are worthy of validation.womenjustneededtobeheardbyAs a non-profit organization, 4RWITheworkofreachingwomenand someonewhomtheybelievedwouldInc.hastouchedthelivesofmorespeaking hope into their situations is meetthemonequalground.Overthan8,500womenandgirls.Today,still needed today. We are committed time, I learned to shut up and listen.Nora Blackman-Richards wehavememberswhoareservingto this journey, to making sure that These women taught me that womensasanextensionofourmissioninevery woman who comes our way is needsareoftenoverlookedinthe16chaptersacrosstheUSA,Latinseen and valued. My journey in min-church because our interpreted theol- because I once held residence in theAmerica and the Caribbean. We reachistry has taught me that, in order to ogy does not contemplate their specificchurch box. While in this box, I waswomen from all walks of life, who needsee my sister, I must recognize myself needs.These women loved the Lordunable to see other women as my sis- hope. We empower girls to understandas her. I see my sister because I am andtheirchurch,buttheirstoriesters. I had grown up seeing my mothertheirworth.Throughtheyearsourmy sister.ofdomesticviolence,infidelity,dis- gather women in our home for prayer,workhasbroughtfurtherawareness crimination,childhoodsexualabuse,butfrommypositionofprivilegeasto five very important factors about the and unspeakable loss remained unad- apastorschildwhohadonlyexpe- female experience: NorkaBlackman-Richardsis dressed in church. riencedtheworldthroughtheeyes1. Womensissuesareuniversal.founder and CEO of 4 Real Women Thesechurchboxeshavemadeof the church, I lacked the ability toLocality,class,race,nationality,International Inc. Wife of Dr. Warner us judgmental. Our ingrained belief isempathize.IlackedcompassionandmaydifferbutexperiencesareA.Richards,Norkahasbeenhis that good Christians dont experienceawareness. These early experiences inoften the same. partnerinministryforthepast such things, and if they do, they canministry forced me to step out of mythirtyyears.Norkaalsodirects pray and like magic - it will all go away.church box.2. Women are in need of safe spac- acollegeopportunityprogramat As a result, Christians often lack theGodwaspreparingme.In2005eswheretheycansharewithoutQueensCollegeinQueens,New awarenessandcompassionneededIbeganwritingandpostingarticlesbeing judged.York.Contact Norka and visit the toaddresstheseissues.Iknowthisonline for women. The topics stemmed3. Womenaremuchmoreresilient4RWI web site at www.4rwi.org.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MARCH 2021 11'