b"COMMUNITYBlack America, It's Time We Stop PretendingButifanyprovidenotforhisown,embracedanillogicalallegiancetotomakeapowerfulmoveforward. andspeciallyforthoseofhisownleaders that have rotted our values.Butthatpowerfulmoveforwardis house, he hath denied the faith, and isTime for a change! not going to come about by voting the worse than an infidel! BlacksinAmericahaveALWAYSsame way we always have, business asI Tim 5:8 beenconservativerelativetofamilyusual is no longer acceptable. Looking My people are destroyed for lack ofandresources.Inthelast50years,to the government to do for us what we knowledge: because thou hast rejectedthe government stepped in. White lib- can and should be doing for ourselves knowledge, I will also reject thee, thateralsandblackelitistsofthe60's,isnt the answer. thoushaltbenopriesttome:seeingtheexploiters,pretendingtobeourYep.It'stimeforchange.Let'sget thou hast forgotten the law of thy God,friends, decimated the morals, valuesto it.I will also forget thy children. andprioritiesthathadtakenusfarWhenourhomesarebetter,ourHos 4:6 from Jim Crow. These undeniable facts neighborhoodsarebetter.Whenour Thereforemypeoplearegoneintothat have led to the current plight ofneighborhoods are better, our commu-captivity, because they have no knowl- many. nities are better. When our communi-edge:andtheirhonorablemenareAnymanthatdoesn'ttakecareoftiesarebetter,ourcitiesarebetter. famished, and their multitude dried uphis home first is not much of a man.When our cities are better, our coun-with thirst. That'snotanassumption.That'saties are better. When our counties areIsa 5:13 fact. Anyone would be deluded as wellbetter, our states are better. When our as duped to believe otherwise. Strongstates are better, our country is better. homesandstrongfamiliesleadtoWhen our country is better, our worldDr.Nathan O'NealBy Dr. Nathan L. O'Neal strong communities. Until we fix ouris better!homesourcommunitieswillnever change.W e've been lied to and many of usIt's time we recognize our blessings. have believed and are still believ- Theblessingsthatwehavepressed ing the lies. We've been told that sys- intoandhavebroughtusthisfar. temic racism and bigotry is holding usThe goals and achievements that have back.Therealityis,wewereoncea strong community built on faith, love,certainly not come about by living byAny man that doesn't take care of his home endurance, and family. We need to getless-thanconservative(so-calledpro-back to that. gressive) values or by having a liberal,first is not much of a man. That's not an government dependent mind set.What is unfortunate is that the lies, politics, and deception of white liber- We'vebeendrifting.Sadbuttrue.assumption. That's a fact.als,blackelitists,andtheignorant,That said, right now, the environment hasallowedthegovernmenttotakeis ripe for change. the place of our God. The moral valuesStop listening to the haters, the nay-of this wicked world have been foistedsayers and the doom and gloom folks. upon us, and we have entertained andWe are in the best position in decades BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MARCH 2021 3"