b'END TIMESThe King is Coming SoonOur Lord taught that in the very Lastfrom me Satan, hit the road!" You bet- protecting them while they are pass-ter believe we need to leave room foringlawstotakeawayourfreedom. By Michael Forti the Holy Spirit to move in these veryThey won\'t take my Jesus! Like I said, last days, for He works through lovetheir hypocrisy is becoming more evi-and forgiveness. But, what would thedent by the day and most could care days, those who are true believers inHoly Spirit have you say to the rebel- less if anyone notices. JesusChristwillbeabletoseethelious? "Jesus loves you," or,"SatanIt\'sjustamatteroftimebefore DAY APPROACHING! The signs of theisabouttorakeyourmarriageandalmighty God shakes this planet! "If times will be more evident now thanfamilyoverthecoalsandrightintoGoddoesnotjudgethesinofthis ever.Theearthquakesandvolcanicthe pit of hell."nation,Hewillhavetoapologizeto activity will continue to increase alongPlease pray for me, God still needsSodom and Gomorrah"(Repentance with record breaking global heat, andtoworkonmyloving,caring,kind- Cry.com). record breaking global freezing. Justness,gentleness, meekness and for-trytofigurethatoneout.Let\'sseegiveness for these heathen tyrants. IWhen the next big earthquake hits, what happens this summer with theam VEXED! However, I need to keepshould we start to promote the Green forestfires.MountSaintHelensisreminding myself that I used to be aNew Deal, or should we tell them that beingexaminedmorecloselynowrebel as well, yet Jesus saved me!Judgementdayisrightaroundthe than ever along with the San Andreascorner!"Therewillbesignsinthe FaultandthevolcanicactivityinHowever, the liberal dems stompedsun, moon and stars." Whats up with Ring of Fire. Is God trying to get ouronTrumpbecausethemanythe asteroid that hit the moon early attention?Manytodaydon\'tbelieveRepublicanssatbackthinking,"LetMichael Forti February2021?Wasitreal,orjust that God created the heavens and thego and let God." Should we be warn- another computer generated illustra-earth. However, they are about to findingtheGodhatersthattheflood,tion?It\'sgoingtobearealityhere out how wrong they are.fire and brimstone is on its way? OringoftheCHIP.Theconfiscationofreal soon. Haveyounoticedthatthemoreshould we say, "Jesus loves you." gunsandfreespeech.Whatsnext?The wealth of the wicked is for sure peoplerebelagainstGod,themoreI\'ve made the choice to say, "JesusThey are not getting my BIBLE! stored up for the righteous in the last the ground continues to tremble? Ourloves you enough to warn you that allWhat\'supwiththeNationaldays, and I believe that God is going to state is becoming more rebellious andhell is about to break loose. BRACEGuardprotectingthepoliticiansinmeet all of my needs according to his antiofChristbytheminute,evenYOURSELF!" Washingtonagainstterror,yettheyriches and glory. However I\'m going to more now under this new administra- The far left liberals have a nationalareopeninguptheboarders.Ifyouget my biblical priorities lined up with tion. It seems they don\'t care if anyonepatternofthewaytheyarestartingmakeacommentagainstthis,youHis Word, and I\'m going to be READY notices when they are lying, cheating,tothink.TheyarehatingChristiansareaccusedifbeingaracist!"Whoto leave it ALL in a moment\'s notice to robbing, stealing, falsely accusing andto the point that they will most likelycares about the safety of our childrenbe with my Lord.deceiving. Lying is just a normal waystartturningfootballstadiumsintoagainst the the drug smugglers, ter- Lord,givemethewordstosayto oflifeformany,especiallywiththeRoman Coliseums real soon. Even therorists and human traffickers who arethosewhopersecuteme.Untilnext "highclassedbusinesspeople."It\'sfarleftpoliticiansdonotholdbackflowinginalongwiththeinnocent"?time, Jesus Christ is Coming Soon are the Jezebel spirit. Full of greed, pride,whenitcomestothreateningthoseThepoliticianshavearmedguardsyou going to be ready?witchcraft and divination.who oppose them. I\'m not far enough IneedtomakethedecisioneveryalongwithmyChristianwalktobe day to say one of two things to someabletosaythat"Jesuslovesyou," people,"Jesuslovesyou,"or,"Awaywhile being thrown into the fiery fur-nace or into the lions den. I\'m having issues with letting go and letting God. I believe in evangelism, love, forgive-ness,andIlovetoseepeoplecome to Jesus, especially after their liberal It\'s just a matter of timethinking just crushed their life. But, I\'m a firm believer in telling it how it before almighty Godis.shakes this planet! IfYesweneedtogivepeoplethe love of Jesus. But we need to teach God does not judge thethemthestoriesaboutNoahand Lot.DEVASTATIONiscomingand sin of this nation, Heallhellisabouttobreakloose.All mightyGodwillhaveHisway.Lot will have to apologize todidn\'tsay,"Jesuslovesyou!Ihope it all works out! Be blessed!" No, he Sodom and Gomorrah. WARNEDthemthedaybeforethat God\'sWRATHisapproaching!The catastrophicsignsofthetimesare increasing on a global scale. The com-BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MARCH 2021 5'