b"WORD OF GOD Stay Your CourseBy Mary Lu SaddorisM ydearchild,donotletthe confusionofthisworldlead you down the wrong road. Allow my Word to rightly show you my path to walk upon.Mightywindsofchaosand destructionareblowinginthis land. Stay your course dear one. Do not be moved by the strange winds ofdoctrinebeingspokentoday. MyWordwillchartyourcourse throughthegalesandbillowing seas. My Word will lead you in all your ways. My Word will be a lamp unto your feet. Know that my Word will be a light unto your path. YouMary Lu Saddoriswill not stumble or fall in this great darknessthatisupontheearth today. I say to you, do not be moved by My child, you are not lost or deso- what you see or hear.late. I AM with you now and foreverKeepyoureyesuponme.Iwill more.Nostrangevoicescantrickkeepyou,dearone,inallyour or beguile you. You are walking inways. You are mine and I AM yours. my light. You are hearing my voiceIpaidthepriceforyourfreedom. speaking to you. Saying; turn to theYou have been set free. The truth left or turn to the right, this is waythat you know will set you free and to go, walk ye in it. you will be free indeed.Do not allow fear to control you.Child, I do go before you to make Do not allow terror or dread to comethe crooked straight. I will make the upon you. Do not allow the schemeshigh and lofty places low and level. I of the enemy to distract you. Child,will make the rough places smooth. I will remove all obstacles in your way. I will make a way for you as none other can.Trust me my child. Child, I do goTrust me in all your ways. Lean not onyourownunderstanding.Look before you toto me, I say. I will lead you in my paths of righteousness. Trust me to make the crookedguard you from all hurt and harm. No weapon formed against you can straight. I will makeprosper.Everytonguethatwould rise up against you in judgment, I the high and loftywill refute.I will care for you as a hen cares for places lowher chicks. I AM the only true lover of your soul. Dear one, keep looking and level. to only me. My righteous right hand isuponyounowandforever.My dear, dear precious child.1.Brian Courtney Wilson - Still 6.Darrell Luster - God Is Still 2.Kerry Douglas - GospelIn ControlMix Xi 7.Koryn Hawthorne - I Am 3.Chicago Mass Choir - My8.Jekalyn Carr - Changing Soul Says Yes Your Story4.Marvin Sapp - Chosen9.Melvin Crispell Iii - I've Got A Vessel Testimony5.P.j. Morton - Gospel10 Tasha Cobb Leonard - According To P.j. Royalty4 JANUARY 2021 BOCNEWS.com"