b'OBITUARIESPastor Vance Johnson,June 2, 1955 - December 8, 2020V ance Levern Johnson was bornCosmetologyUniversitythencon- Deacons and Deaconesses, and the on June 2, 1955, in Darlington,tinuedatAmericanPathwaysSecurity Team. VISIT BOCNEWS.SouthCarolina,tohisparents,University.COMtoseePastorVancedeliver Shellie Robinson, jr. and Lula MaeVancealsoservedhiscountrySermon"GodSpeakingthrough Davis (Mayo). His family relocatedintheArmyNationalGuard,sta- Pastor Vance" as a Sunday School and he was raised in Washingtontioned in Colorado with a rank ofTeacher he will be missed. Pastor DC with his four brothers, Walter,E-4hewaslaterhonorablydis- Vancewasprecededindeathby Dennis, Kenneth, andMichael, andcharged. Vance tried many profes- his father, Shellie Robinson, Jr. threesisters,Alfreda,Vershelle,sions he started out in the military and Sheldena.and continued on as a professional Vance\'s siblings remember him asdrummer for Quadrillion, where hePastorVanceLevernJohnson being playful, jolly and a jokester,traveled all over the world and thendepartedthislifeonDecember who loved riding his bike withoutheworkedasaRTDBusDriver.8, 2020 in Aurora, Colorado.He wearing shoes. Vance was destinedVance started the first black-owedleavesalegacypassionforhis to be a barber when he started cut- barbershop franchise in Denver. Hechildren,Andr\'eGreenofPrince ting hair at the age of eight. Afteroperated at four different locationsCountyGeorge,MD,Shaheen relocatingtoDenver,Colorado,aroundtheDenverMetroArea,Johnson,Denver,CO,NiaD. VancecompletedhissecondaryVance Barber Stylists, In AdvanceWagnerofNewportNew,VA,and education at George WashingtonI, In Advance II, and Advance III.TimekiaJones,Denver,CO;his High School in Denver Colorado.Vance loved studying the Word ofelevengrandchildren;hisbroth-HecontinuedhiseducationinGod (the Bible), playing the drums,ers,water"Nussi"Johnson,jr Greensboro,NorthCarolinaand going fishing.(Zakiyyah),Hampton,VA,Dennis whereheattendedDudley\'s"DD"Johnson,Kenneth"Kenny" VanceenjoyedplantsandevenJohnson both of Denver, CO, and named one of them after his moth- MichaelJohnson,PrinceCounty er Lula. Pastor Vance was a man ofGeorge,MD;hissister,Alfreda faiththatbelievedinGod\'sWord(Bullock)Johnson,Denver,CO, above all. He was a faithful memberSheldenaRobinsonandVershelle of God\'s Will Christian Fellowship.Robinson-Ross both of Washington VanceservedasanAssistantDC; host of nieces, nephews, cous-Pastor,ordainedJuly23,2017.ins,otherrelatives,andmany He was the Ministry Leader of thefriends.Calvin Tre\'Von Redwine,March 8, 1996 - November 5, 2020 C alvinTre\'VonRedwinewasfollowers.CalvinTre\'VonRedwineandnevermetastranger.He bornonMarch8,1996,indeparted this life to the embrace ofhelped the homeless by feeding DenverColoradotohisparents,the Lord on November 5, 2020, inthem and giving them a place of OdisRobertRedwine,IIIandDenver, Colorado.refuge when needed. NadiaShont\'eTrimble.HewasThose left to cherish his memoryCalvin was one that would give also blessed to have his stepfather,and mourn his loss include his par- theshirtoffhisback,andwas Pastor Melvin Paige as a part of hisents, Nadia S. Paige (Pastor Melvin)loved by everyone, but he would life. Calvin was raised surroundedPaige and Odis R. Redwine, III; threenot bite his tongue he was going by his brothers, Melvin, jr., Elijah,brothers, Melvin L. Paige, jr. Elijahtosaywhathewantedtosay. Jonathan, and his sisters, Brianna,A. Paige, Jonathan West Redwine- Calvinhadaheartandearfor Lachelle, and Ashanae.Johnson;threesisters,Briannamusic.Hetaughthimselfhow As a child, he loved playing bas- BradleyallofDenver,Colorado,toplaythedrumsbyearinthe ketball, and playing for the church.AshanaeN.PaigeofPhiladelphia,church. He would always preach HeaspiredtopreachthewordofPennsylvania,andLachelleM.to us. Cavin was done, my beau-God. Calvin received his formal edu- PaigeofDenver,Colorado;histifulchocolatebaby.TakeYour cationbyattendingtheColoradograndparents, Earlene and GeorgeRest!!! Mom Loves You.SchoolfortheDeafandBlindinHailey,DebraL.Redwine,Odis Colorado Springs, Colorado. CalvinRedwine, Jr(first cousin to Randy had been an employee of GoodwillM.McCowan publisher of the Body IndustriesasaStocker.Hewasof Christ News), Deborah L. Paige, hardworking,dedicatedandper- and George E. Haley all of Denver, formed his duties with a spirit ofColorado;hisgreatgrandparents, excellence.RudyJ.Morgan,andJudyL. A Young Man of Faithand beliefRedwine both of Denver, Colorado; intheLord,Calvinwasamem- andahostofnieces,nephews, beroftheCommunityChurchofaunts, uncles, cousins, other rela-GodInChrist,whereheplayedtives and many friends.thedrums.HewassotalentedFROM MOM;thathecouldplaymusicbyear. Calvin was a fighter from birth, HelovedlisteningtothebeatsofHe fought through so many chal-themusicandcommittingthemlenges as a baby but it made him to memory. He also had a PodcasttobeastrongandIndependent that contained over four thousandMan.Calvinhadaheartofgold, RING THE ALARM . continued from page 12 ourfamily,butrepresentsotherfamiliesthatlost their loved ones. Were concerned about our safety. Wenowwatchourbacks24-7.Mynephewthat police paraded around the property. Another police- in handcuffs, I wept. Imagine how they felt then andencountered the the havoc with his father, has now man was popped-out the top of the Swat Vehicle withhow they still feel now? Everyday is a battle. Theyrelocated out of state for his safety.a AR-15 pointed at my front door. Another policemanwere stripped of their dignity, and pride because of aIvereachedouttoseveralcommunityprovid-ran towards my front door with the batter-ram. Moremistake made by the Police Department. The peace ofers, such as the local chapter of the NAACP, ACLU, policeman, were pointing AR-15s in my brother andmind all of us once knew, no longer exist. Senator, several Attorneys at Law, all to no avail. The nephews face, handcuffing them and walking themThey detained my family for at least an hour andlawprotectsthepoliceforceiftheyhaveprobable outside, to sit on the back of the Swat Vehicle. My,withnoarrestmade,nocontentstakenoutofcause,governmentimmunity.Thelawneedstobe brother was shoeless. my home, no apologies, no concerns.We are tired ofchanged. There should be consequences for officers When I saw the picture of my loved ones sittingbeing tried. The tears and pain not only representsgoing to the wrong house. Where do we go for help, besides God? Always thanking GodBODY OF CHRIST NEWS JANUARY 2021 17'