b"T heBibleisright beingconfident ofthisverything,He (God)thatbeguna goodworkinyouwillI believed every word because I saw him walk the walk with performituntilthe dayofJesusChristhis wife.From that day I started picking myself up and (Philippians 1:6, KJV).God did it! God per- started walking that pain out of me.formed this word to the teeinPastorRonnie Calloways life!What the enemy meant for evil (the good, bad and the ugly) throughout Pastor Ronnie Calloways life, in the end, God always meantT hereissomuchIcouldsayaboutT heblessingsthat it for the good and worked it out for the good!PastorRonnie.Butalifechangingflow from the foun-Ask me how I know? memory for me is when I was in a verytain of those in service PastorRonnieswife,JackieCallowaywillabusivemarriageandwasdoingsometo the Lord are trans-tell you what she eye-witnessed in her hus- counselingintheirhomewithPastorformativetothoseof bands life, how God worked it all out for theJackie.PastorRonniestrolledthroughwho thirst for an exam-good.PastorRonniechildrenwilltellyoutheroomwithasmile,greetedhiswifepleoffaithlivedout. from their heart, how God worked it all outand myself. He saw the tears and hurtItisraretofindone for the good.Pastor Ronnies grandchildrenon me.We started talking and He startedwhomlives,andloves have been passed on the legacy of a real Godspeaking life back into me.Things likein the image of Christ, man. The Body of Christ who knew of, heardhow a king treats his queen.How GodbutRonniewasone of,experiencedPastorRonnieCallowaywillsees me and I was the Prize. such man. Ministering to those of us in need also tell you, God wrought a work in him thatI believed every word because I saw him walk the walk withof Godly council and wisdom he provided a shall live on way past his years on earth.Thehis wife.From that day I started picking myself up and startedsounding board to which comfort, and correc-heavenly hosts shall also testify of the glori- walking that pain out of me.Till this day, his example of a Matetion, could be found. We are grateful for the oususheringintoGlory,oneofGodsbestis always at the forefront of my mind.If it aint like that, I donthonor to have known Ronnie, andto have examples of His Servant! want it! loved Ronnie, and we look towards the table of feasting at which we shall all one day sit in What a Man of God! What a Man of God! Thank you and rest with the Master Pastor Ronnie. the presence of our savior Jesus Christ. Pastor Felicia (Lisa) SmtihDeedee RocketteThe MontecinosG rowing up my uncle Ronnie was the man!He was a gentleman,aving Ronnie as friend was a happening and a wonderful experi-a mans, man!But he was always sure to teach my brother andH ence. Every time I saw himwe both smile and laugh at seeing I to be gentlemen and to always respect ourselves.As a kid hearingeach other.We always say , To each how are you doing and where Uncle Ronnie's voice at the door meant there was about to be laughshave you been? Words would flow out of our mouths about the good and good vibes! times we had together.It was on family, food, fishing and our faith As I got older he continued to give me sound Godly advice.Myjust plain happy visit. uncle will be surely missed.Im glad to have had the pleasure ofI know he has laid his burden down. I will always cherish the times knowing him. we spent together !!! From one Ronnie to another Ronnie, well done So Unc I want you to know, as you always told me when we wouldmy brother. get off the phone. I love you buddy! Rest in Peace,Casey IrvinRonny WilliamsBODY OF CHRIST NEWS JANUARY 2021 19"