b'END TIMESProphetic New YearBy Michael Forti HisWord,orhasFallenAwayfromdeceive and devour. Instead of leading His Word, but has rejected what Godpeopleintothegatesofeternallife, hasspokenaboutthroughHisHolyhe will lead billions into the arms of G et ready for the NEW YEAR! Be onProphets.WehavealreadyseenatSatan. your guard! You could be gettingleast95%ofBiblicalprophecycomeWe already had our 7 years ofbless-ready for a whole New World, either intopasswithinourgeneration.Whatingsfrom2014through2020.But this realm or the other! more do you need?! now, we are entering into 7 years of If you claim to be a Christian,butForyouhighintellectualcomputerfamine and want. Just like in the days don\'t realize that this world is aboutexperts.Revelation13:16says,"AndofJoseph.IhopeI\'mwrong!Trump tomeettheantichrist,youmaynothe(theantichrist)causethall,bothcould still pull this off!be truly saved. Why? Because you aresmallandgreat,richandpoor,freeThenumber14(2014)means mostlikelyfallingintothedeceivingand bond (slave) to receive aMARKDELIVERANCEandSALVATION. gripsofSatan,andintothearmsofin/onhisrighthandorin/ontheirThenumber20,(2020)means, hisNewWorldOrder,withoutevenforeheads:AndthatnomanmightREDEMPTION.Butthenumber knowingit.Ifyousaythatyou\'reabuy or sell, save/unless he that had21(2021)meansexceedinglysinful-Christian, yet vote for someone who isthe MARK, or the name of the beastness of sin. That\'s right, many will get supporting post, then you\'re for sureor the number of his name (Rev13:16- just what they hoped for. A world with not saved.17 KJV.-NIV). Are we facing the tech- out conviction and God, and a world "WhatdoyoumeanNewWorldnologicaltimetounderstandwhatfilled with lust and hate. Order?"That\'swhatIthought!Youscripture is saying? YOU BET! JesusMichael Forti People today love to be entertained haven\'tbeenreadingyourBible!was, and still is 1000 steps ahead of Revelation13:18clearlyteachesthatBill Gates. withviolenceandbloodshed.The onedaysoon,alloftheremainingIsn\'titpeculiarthatpeopleareallandunitedunderoneuniversalreli- hatredtowardsChristiansandJews ancientBiblicalpropheciesaregoinggoingtobeforcedtohavethesamegion,governmentandonebighappyis on the rise. For this evil spirit has to come to pass among this generationhealthcare,thesamemasks,andfamily. Don\'t complain to me, half ofseducedtheunbelievertocravethe thathasnotonlyrejectedGodandthenthesamemarks,allcontrolledthe United States wanted this. (Amoshatred of God\'s chosen. 8:11-12). Noquestion,itwonttakelongfor What can we expect to happen next?theradicallefttoconfiscateguns, minimizingtheaveragegunowner People today love to be entertained with violenceWe are already entering into the great- downtoapeashooter,comparedto estageofdeceptionthattheworldthe high powered arms that the troops and bloodshed. For this evil spirit has seduced thehas ever seen. Once true believers arewill have when they roll into the cities taken out of the way, and many megawith tanks.unbeliever to crave the hatred of God\'s chosen. churches, to include many small localSataniscelebratingrightnow churches as well, are LEFT BEHIND, thenthelawlessonewillcometoContinued on Page 62 JANUARY 2021 BOCNEWS.com'