b'OBITUARYIn Loving Memory of Pastor Ronnie Calloway19432020Friends and family of Pastor Ronnie Callowaypay tribute by sharing letters in his memoryD ad you were there for my 1st breath and IT he last time Ronnie and I were together, he shared a book was there for your last. You were there for mewith me regarding Communion. We discussed it and how it every moment in between! PRESENT! You werereally enlightened me regarding a deeper understanding of the also a PRESENT from God to me! truemeaningandsignificanceoftheLords\'Supper.Butthen I\'m not grieving or mourning but I believe I amagain,wheneverwegottogetherortalked,hewouldregularly missing your presence more than anything!share some information, something he just learned, or one of his many life experiences that he felt might benefit me in some way. I will miss your smile, your hands that were soHe would constantly look for ways to contribute to my life and the secure and protecting me, your heartbeat and Ilives of others. That\'s just who he is.will miss being able to call you up and say HEYI remember once simply commenting on how much I liked a pair DAD! of shoes he happened to be wearing one day. And before I knew it, he had purchased a Daddy I love you and I will see you later!pair for me and shipped them across country to me "just because". But that\'s just whoRhonda (Daddy\'s Girl) he is.Just before he moved to Heaven, I called Ronnie to comfort him, but true to form, he W hen I read the manuscript of Love that Wouldflipped it on me and started comforting me instead. He reminded me that "to be absent Not Let Me Go, I asked Ronnie are you okfrom the body is to be present with the Lord". In his own way he let me know that he with Jackie putting this about you in the book?was OK and not to worry about him. He wanted me to be comforted knowing that he was He calmly said, yes, shes free to write what everlooking forward to going home and being with the Lord. He had no fear, but only Peace. she wants. Only a strong, confident man couldHe then gave me a wonderful parting gift. We had communion together. We acknowl-do that. edged and celebrated the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ together. Ironically, he had That was Ronnie Calloway, confident in who andpreviously shared with me the book about communion and its significance the last whose he was. Committed to God and to loving histime I saw him. So it was such a Blessing to me to share this communion supper with wife. A righteous example of a husbands love forhim before he left to go home. So now whenever I think about my brother Ronnie, I will his wife. always remember him with joy, having shared that last communion supper with him.Debi McFarland What an awesome gift. But then again, that\'s just who he is. Reney DuBoseW hen I think of the men Ive had in my life, I often think of my mentor andL ittledidRonnieknowin father like figure Dad Calloway. As a man he demonstrated character of1976 a decision to stay at a true Godly man. As a mentor he established trust, wisdom, and knowledgea buddies house with his fam-into my life from the very beginning . Im a better person by his impact in myily on a weekend trip to L.A., life and his strong will to serve God.was in reality an assignment We metDad Calloway around 2003 at Word Up Christian Church. Dadfrom God to rescue that bud-quickly embraced our family which begin a everlasting relationship. Whichdies(live-in)girlfriendslife! continued to bless our lives both as individuals, as a couple and our children.Thatoneweek-endchanged He was our youngest daughters Spiritual Grandfather .Due to his charis- my world forever, resulting in matic, warm and love nature, he was able to guide her, counsel her, correctmesurrenderingmylifeto her and encourage her from day one! God;acceptingGodscallon my life, and rerouting me from He also counseled our marriage, to repair the breach that was broken between us. Dad Callowaysapathofultimatespiritual anointing provided the help needed to restore you back to your rightful place in God.He partneredand physical destruction.with the Holy Spirit to hear exactly what we needed to know to produce life bearing fruit in our situ- Fromthattimeuntilnow,theDevineconnectionof ations .Dad would always tell usI cant give you nothing but the word, thats all I can give you,family, friendship, and more recent times, ministry and which we understand is the best counsel anyone can or shouldoffer. fellowshiphasbeentheearmarkofourrelationship.A Ronnie Calloway,also known as Dad Calloway to many people in the community was the best ofconstant friend, counselor, encourager, supporter. A true the best.A true General in the spirit. He will be missed more than words can express.Dad left abig brother indeed! His smooth and debonair swag was as life time foot print on our hearts and we cant wait to see him again when we cross over to glory. Agenuine as his big heart. What I loved most about Ronnie Good and faithful servant is what he will forever be called. Calloway from the very beginning was his love and care for Until we see you again know we love you Dad Calloway, his wife and his children. Adrian & Linnea Hutt A man after of Gods heart! Until next time brother, BrendaW e are so grateful for Ronnie Calloway and the influ- D anny and I met Ronnie and Jackie over 10 years ago ence that he and Jackie had in our lives.As part ofand have been blessed ever since.Ronnie Calloway our marriage preparation, we received effective premaritalwas a man after Gods own heart.He loved the Word of counseling sessions from the Calloways. They exemplifiedGod and he loved Words.Anytime Ronnie was in his word oneness in many ways, especially as both of them officiatedhe would have a dictionary by his side.our beautiful wedding ceremony.We had and have so much respect for him.He alwaysRonniemodeled characteristics of a godly man, hus- would go deep in the Word and give you Gods ways not band and father. The wise biblical counsel from Ronnie andjust his opinion on situations of the heart.Jackie continues to bless our union. Ronnie was a gift to soRonnie Calloway left a lasting impression on us and he many.While he is missed, his legacy lives on.left this world being empty of all God had for him to do.He gave all God hadErnie & Sandra Howard given to him to us.We often hear that some people come into your life for a reason and some for a season, Mr. Ronnie Calloway made sure he was always in season in Gods word, so each of us would understand Gods reason.We R onniewasafriend,brother,mentor,confidantanddidnt lose Ronnie, we gain an example of how one lives for Christ and how Pastor. From premarital counseling, the writing of ourone meets God when our work here on earth is finished.marriage vows to performing the wedding ceremony for my husband and I. We were taught and groomed by God\'s fin- Our love for you is truly eternal. Colossians 4:6Let your conversation be est. always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer Ronnie showed a unique gift of compassion for peopleeveryone., 2 Timothy 4:2Preach the word; be prepared in season and out and his ministry. We found him to be very intentional aboutofseason;correct,rebukeandencouragewithgreatpatienceandcareful helping others while leading and guiding you in the truth.instructionFor Ronnie it was God\'s way or no way.Andrea & Danny Jones Marlene and Greg Bolling.18 JANUARY 2021 BOCNEWS.com'