b'OBITUARIESLandri Cortez Taylor,August 17, 1950February 26, 2020L andriwasbornonAugustBakerChemicalsandRegionalRuthPierce,SanFrancisco,CA; 17th,1950inChicago,IllinoisManager for Ohaus Scales. 1bother,JamesPierce(Angela), tothelateJamesLaVelleTaylorLandriservedonmanyboardsOakland, CA; 1 sister, Shari Taylor, and Naomi Ruth Jones. He passedthroughout his career but was mostSanFrancisco,CA;4grandchil-peacefully on February 26th, 2020proudofhisserviceontheRTDdren, Lauryn, Savannah, Dalila and surrounded by family. Board and the Denver Public SchoolDominic; 4 sister-in-laws; 3 broth-At an early age, Landri dedicatedBoard. His other board and profes- er-in-laws;andahostofnieces, his life to Christ. He attended ele- sional affiliations include: Coloradonephews, cousins and many devot-mentary school in Oakland, CA. HeOpen Golf Foundation Board, Blaired friends.thenattendedLowellHighSchoolCaldwell African American Research inSanFranciscoandgraduatedLibraryBoard(Treasurer),Latin from the University of California atAmericanEducationalFoundation Berkleyin1974withadegreeinBoard,StapletonFoundation Biology.HemovedtoColoradoinBoard,AssociationofPublic August 1979 where he met his wife,TelevisionsBoard,ExecConnect Gloria.Theywereunitedinmar- (foundingBoardMember),Denver riage for 40 years. Metro Chamber Leadership Board, Landriwasadedicatedfather,RockyMountainPBS(pastBoard avidgolferandskier.HeenjoyedChair/Member),Foundationfor traveling with his family and listen- EducationalExcellence(found-ing to music. And you could alwaysingMember&BoardChair), find him enjoying the sunsets withAmericanAssociationforBlacks Gloria after a day of work. He alsoinEnergy,DenverPublicLibrary was a devoted member and trusteeCommissioner, Sand Creek Regional of New Hope Baptist Church. Greenway,CommunityCollegeof Denver Foundation, Shaka Franklin Landri served as Chief ExecutiveFoundation, Leadership Denver and OfficerforTheFoundationforthe University of Colorado School of SustainableCommunities.HeMedicine Council of Advisors.waspreviouslyemployedastheHissurvivorsare:alovingand PresidentandCEOoftheUrbandevoted wife, Gloria, 1 son, Stephen League of Metropolitan Denver, ViceDeNeal, Chula Vista, CA; 2 daugh-PresidentofCommunityAffairsatters, Kimberly Catrice (Christopher) ForestCityEnterprises,RegionalandKristolCamille(Marcus), SalesManagerforMallinckrodtAurora,CO;hismother,Naomi Christel Elizabeth Gayles,March 26, 1967February 19, 2020Asachild,Christelwasactiveinpassing.FamilywaspriorityforLeft to cherish her memory is her thechildrenandyouthprograms;Chriistel, She was very close to hermotherJuliaGayles,herbrother undertheleadershipofdevotedmother who she referenced as herChristopher Hall, step sister Tiffany church workers like Bessie Hill. Orabest friend. Barrnwell, Dallas TX. aunties Betty V. Smith, Leordie Clark, and others.They spent a lot of time togetherSlaughter,CarrieGaylesClara ChristellearnedtolovetheLordtraveling laughing attending events(Edward)HollowayallofDevner, and serve his people.andsharinglife.ShewasknownElizabethGaylesofRichmond, She joined the Usher Board as aas the official bartender for most ofCA.uncleFrederickGaylesSr.of young adult. When she was unablethe events held at her mother\'s resi- Denver;godparentsWilmaand to attend church regularly becausedence. Christel was loving and pro- WellingtonWebb;godchildren, of her work schedule, Christel wouldtective of her mother who she reliedDeVindraRandall(Tariq)Williams supporthermotherincompletingon for sound advice and encourage- Shaahid Hoover, Tamia and Jordan tasks that called for her computerment.Christelmadeherselfavail- McGee,NadiaandMonetSanders skills,Inthatcapacity,herunof- able to support her younger cous- Brett Slaughter,Yasmine Mac Neal, ficialtitlewasdesignatedastheinsintheirathleticandacademicWinterWilliamsSt.LouisMO. SatelliteMinistry.ChristelwouldendeavorssupportingfundraisersJacksonMcCormickTulsa,OK. produce flyers program designs andandgivingthemencouragementlogan(LightBright)Pogue;best othersupportdocumentsfortheand instructions on life skills. Shefriend Tamu Stegall, her family unit-MajesticPraiseChoirundertheliked to have fun but was also a no- ed by love, Bertha Washington, Tara Christel Elizabeth Gayles leadershipofhercousinDarylJ.nonsense kind of girl. She made itWashingtonEvertte,andAjuanya Walker.Additionallysheworkeda priority to touch base with familyWashington of Denver. CO. Charles O n the bright and sunny Easter/ with the Annual Women\'s Day com- and friends regularly. perfect.Ferrell, and Joell McCrmick, both of ResurrectionSundayafter- mittees making program design andTulsa, OK, a host of cousins other noonofMarch26,1967.Christellayout. She loved being in church,God\'stimingisalwaysrelatives and loyal friends.Elizabeth Gayles was delivered intohelpingwithevents,lockingtheAlittleovertenyearsago,infor-thelovingarmsofherparentsdoors on Sundays after church, ormationwasrevealedthatChristel Robert and Julia Gayles in Denver,whatever was needed. Christel tookmight have a younger brother,She Colorado. She was educated in thepride in her work for the Lord. set out to find him with the hopes Denver Public School System, hav- ofdevelopingarelationship,after ingattendedMitchelandSteckOvertheyearsChristeldemon- a patiently pursuit she was able to Elementary, Cole Jr. High and wasstratedastrongworkethic,Shefind her brother Christopher Elliott aproudgraduateofManualHighbeganherworldofworkwithUSHall.Overtheyearstheyhave School class of 1985. While she wasBankinApril1987-Septemberbecome very close. Christopher said inhighschool,shebecameinter- 2000.Asanexcellentdriver"Iwillalwaysrememberallofthe estedinherfamilyhistory.WhenChristeldroveforFifthAvenueingreat times we had together, going shediscoveredthathermaternalStyleLimousinefrom2000-2003.outtoeatorgoingtodifferent greatgrandmother\'snamewasIn September 2003, Christel beganplaces, meeting people and finding Queen, she legally added Queen toworkingfortheTransportationold and new friends. Christel My her name.DepartmentforDenverPublicSister, My Friend, My Protector, My Schools. She began as a Bus DriverCounselor, My Right Hand in Life."ServingGodwasanimportantand ended her career as an AthleticChristeldepartedthislifeon part of Christel\'s life from an earlyand Excursions Supervisor in 2018.February19,2020.Shewaspre-age, She was raised in the ChristianShe later worked for a short periodceded in death by her father, Robert faith at New Hope Baptist Church.oftimeforAmazonpriortoherGayles and godson Paul Ferguson. 8 APRIL 2020 BOCNEWS.com'