b'COMMUNITYBuffalo SoldiersNot Forgottensee the collage on pg. 2 And these soldiers also were instru-mental in building forts in Oklahoma, T heirhairremindedNativeWyoming, Fort Robinson in Nebraska, AmericansofthewoolyhaironFort Hayes in Kansas and Fort Logan buffalos.Henceforth,thenicknamein Colorado.wasgiventothoseblacksoldiersasBell explains that the main purpose Buffalo Soldiers. of his reenactment group is to tell the JohnBell,presidentandCEOoflegacy of the Buffalo Soldiers who often theBuffaloSoldiersoftheAmericanwent forgotten in American history.West, heads up the reenactment groupWe try to tell their story, their his-remembering the Buffalo Soldiers. tory.Webecomelivingexamplesof ThoseBuffaloSoldiersweremem- those soldiers of the past, he adds as bers of the 10th Cavalry Regiment ofthey perform at high schools, colleges the United States Armyserving fromand for businesses.1866 to 1945. A few other Buffalo Soldier reenact-TheywerecreatedaftertheCivilment groups exist around the country. War,Bellsaysto,Protectthoseset- A Buffalo Soldiers Museum is open in tlerswestoftheMississippiRiver.Houston, Texas.They also did what the United StatesItsanotherexampleofthecontri-government asked them to do, whichbution that Blacks have made to this includedtakingcareofthesocalledcountry and how the Buffalo Soldiers Indian problem. The government washonorably served their country.trying to get the Indians off the plains and onto reservations. Wearealwayslookingforpeople BuffaloSoldierswerealwaysonwho want to help us tell the story and reservewhenitcametobattlesaswanttolearnaboutthepast,Bell well.Thebiggestbattletheypartici- expresses.patedinwastheBattleofWoundedYoucancontactJohnBellat720-Knee,wheretheU.Smilitarymas- 308-5223formoreinformationorto sacred hundreds of Lakota Indians inset up a time for the Buffalo Soldiers South Dakota in December of 1890. reenactment group to perform at your location.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS APRIL 2020 11'