b"COMMUNITYShare our StrengthBy Rhonda FieldsO ne of my favorite scriptures is Joshua1:9whichsays,Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid,neitherbethoudismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoeverthougoeth.With this strength and courage, cement-ed by faith, I ask God to intervene and assist us through this unprec-edented coronavirus crisis.AsofMarch26th,Coloradois under a Stay-At-Home Order. With each passing day of the coronavi-rus pandemic, we are being asked tostopphysicalcontactwithas many people as possible. The goalRhonda Fieldshereistoflattenthecurveto stop the spread of the virus and to avoid overwhelming the healthcareSocialdistancingstillallows system. usvisitthedoctorsofficeand That's why thousands of childrengetmedicalsupplies,medication, areoutofschoolrightnow,andgroceries,takeoutfoodandother people are trying to readjust theiressentialitemsincludingmate-livesinatimeofgreateconomicrialstoenableyoutoworkfrom uncertainty, often juggling workinghome or for your children to under-fromhome,parenting,andtryingtake distance learning. We can also to make sure their loved ones, andstill get outside for physical activity their community remains safe and(so long as we stay at least 6 feet healthy.DearBOCcommunity,itawayfrompeoplewhoarenotin is best to play it safe and physicallyour household).isolate yourself, since we just don'tYou should only be going to work knowwheretheviruscanharborif you provide essential products or or who has Covid-19. During theseservicesatanessentialbusiness challengingtimes,Ihopeyouareand I think we all need to show our taking care of yourself, your lovedappreciation to the people who are ones, and staying safe at home. doingthis-fromcashiersatthe grocerystoretodeliverydrivers, to the nurses, doctors, and EMTs providingmuchneededmedical services during this time of crisis.In the meantime, we may need to You should only bebephysicallydistant,butwecan alwaysbesociallyconnected.We going to work if youare in this together. you have me, I have you, and we have each other. provide essentialAllacrossourcommunity,people are using technology to reach out products or servicesto friends and families to stay con-nectedandensurepeopleknow at an essentialthey are not alone in this.Right now we are asked to pivot business and I thinkour lives. In the end, I believe we will find outwe all need to showsomethingprettyamazing our appreciationthroughallofthis-thatweare more resilient than weto the people whoever knew. Each week that goes bywelearnmore.Eachweekwe are doing the muchappreciate theneeded medicalvalue of community and the sense of brotherhood and sisterhood.services during thisInthistimeofgreatuncertain-ty,let'ssticktogetherandnever time of crisis. underestimate the power of family, loveandcommunity.Staysafe, stay home, and wash your hands. We will emerge from this pandemic stronger than ever.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS APRIL 2020 15"