b'SERMONS.H.A.P.E.DBy Daniel & Millicent Haupt A(Ability):UnlikeSpecial Endowments,whichflownaturally from within and from God, your abil-W hat God has made crooked, let noityisthestrengthorskillsdevel-man make straight (Ecclesiastesopedthroughtrainingandexperi-7:13). God instructed prophet Jeremiahences. Abilities and skills enable you to go down to the potters house whereto perform excellently in the purpose he saw him (the potter) making a ves- Godhaspreparedforyou.Without sel of clay. As he stood watching, Godthe strategic information and skills at said, Look, as the clay is in the pot- your disposal to complement your gifts tershand,soareyouinmyhand,andlimitations,yourendowments OhouseofIsrael(Jeremiah18:6).andopportunitiescangountapped. Nooneisacosmicaccident,weareJoseph,forinstance,hadaSpecial predestined, in heaven before we takeEndowment (Genesis 35) and a divine-anyformashumans(Romans8:30).lyconnectedHeartbeat(Genesis39), We are SHAPED for destiny which is ahehadtodevelopleadershipAbility dynamic truth about the other side ofthroughseveralExperiencesand through; it is a direct route but neverEnvironments that eased his path into a straight line (Jeremiah 1:5). God hashis Destiny. specificallySHAPEDeachofuswithP (Personality): Personality gives us inborn capacities, yearnings, passions,a unique lens through which we seeMillicent Haupt Daniel Hauptskills,aptitude,temperaments,andtheworld.Itservesasapattern, experiences for a purpose, which mustpredicator, or model to interpret and bediscoveredandfulfilled.However,act on life and greatly influences whatbearing the fruit of the Spirit such asdominion and platforms of impact and about 97% of the people in our genera- weare,becomeandpractice.Davidlove,joy,peace,longsuffering,kind- authority, upon which our true mean-tiontodayarewanderinggeneralitiesFunder,authorofThePersonalityness,goodness,faithfulness,gentle- ings and destinies are discovered and and only about3% are living out theirPuzzle,definespersonalityasacol- ness,andself-control.MylesMunroeapplied. These mountains are Family true purpose and fulfilling their desti- lection of relatively discrete, indepen- says,PurposetransformsmistakesandHumanDevelopment,Priesthood ny dreams. This is why it is importantdent and narrow social capacities. Itintomiraclesandturnsdisappoint- (Religion),Government,Education, tounderstandtheconceptofbeinginvolves your character, temperament,ments into testimonies. Regardless ofCommunication,Entertainment, S.H.A.P.E.D for destiny to identify thedisposition to life, worldview, etc. YourwhatexperiencesandenvironmentsEconomics,andEntrepreneurship. strengths of our callings. attitude determines your altitude. Thehave shaped you, it is the plan of GodLifeshouldbecherishedasagift S(SpecialEndowment):Thefirstway God has made your (personality)that prevails.too precious to be squandered and a steptolivingapurposefullifeistowasdeterminedbywhatHewantedD(Development):Destinytreasuretoopricelesstobewasted. discoveryournaturalendowments,youtobecome.Forinstance,GodDevelopmentisasynergyofthingsPurposemustbediscovered,nour-gifts, callings, and talents. It could bewiredyoutointeractwiththeworldthatwillhappenduringourlifetimeished, sustained, and fulfilled. We live singing,inventing,writing,healing,witheitherleft-brainorrightbrainand in eternity, planned or unplanned.onlyonce,noneedwaitingwhenwe processingtechnology,publicspeak- dominance; not usually both. A personEverythingaboutthewaywearecan start living purposefully. ing, caring for others, etc. These giftswhoisleft-brainedisthoughttobeSHAPEDleadsustoourDestinyFinally, you have been SHAPED for of God are forms of creative energy tomore logical, analytical, and objectiveDevelopment.Onethingweallhaveanuncommondestiny.Nevertryto performwhatevertasksGodcreatedwhilearight-brainedpersonismorein common is that we have all comebecome someone else. You are unique-youtoexecuteforHispurposeandholistic, artistic, innovative, and emo- into the world with a purpose, whichly designed for your destiny. What the glory(1Timothy4:14,1Corinthianstional.is a direct route but never a straightLordhasmadecrooked,noonecan 12, Ephesians 4:11 and Romans 12:6- E(ExperiencesandEnvironments):line. God says in Isaiah 46:10, I havemake straight. Walk in your purpose 8). Theenvironmentandexperiencesinknowntheendfromthebeginning,anddestiny.Youhavecharismaand H (Heartbeat): Your heart is the seatyourlifearepartofhowyouarefromancienttimes,whatisstilltogift to influence the world.ofyourinstinctandintuition,pro- SHAPEDfordestiny.Rememberthecome.Isay,Mypurposewillstand,To be more inspired with these des-pheticintelligence,passion,inspira- story David. Even though God wantedand I will do all that I please. tinypreceptsjointheconversation tion, and drive that impulsively directto announce Him to the world throughWemustalwaysrememberthataswith Dr. Daniel Haupt on the Voice of yoursteps.ItfuelstheoperationofhiskillingofGoliath,HefirstplacedchildrenofGod,wearetoinfluenceDestiny Podcast or get your copy of his yourgiftsbyasoulicalandheartfelthim in the wilderness where he learnedtheSevenMountainsofInfluenceinnew book Destiny: The Other Side Of instinct.Yourheartcarriesandsus- to kill a lion and a bear (1 Samuel 17).our generation (1 Peter 2:9). The SevenThrough. Go to Amazon.com or osot.tains your yearning and energy on theYour experiences should teach you lifeMountains of Influence are spheres ofliferoute toward destiny. A healthy heartlessons, enhance maturity, and make is the spring of a meaningful life; but ayou stronger. These experiences might man defeated at heart can never win.beexcitingorpainful;yettheyare Theheartistheinnerearthroughrelevant parts of the making process. whichwecanconnectwiththeHolyExperiencecanbringouttheexcel-Spirit,receiveinspirationanddirec- lence of God in you, especially if you tion, and maintain balance as we golearn to handle situations with prayer, through life.andGodsword.Itcanbringabout About 97% of the people in our generation today are wandering generalities and only about3% are living out their true purpose and fulfilling their destiny dreams. This is why it is1. Deitrick Haddon - 5. Anthony Brown - 2econd Time Chance2. Clark Sisters - The Return -6. Neal Roberson - Shoutimportant to understand the concept ofReleased 4/10/20 7. Byron Cage - Isolation-3. Bri Babineaux - The8. Darius Paulk - Strongbeing S.H.A.P.E.D for destiny to identifyEncounter - Released9. David & Nicole Binion - 4/3/20 Glory Of Eden4. Kierra Sheared - Kierra - the strengths of our callings. Released 4/17/20 10 Pastor Mike Jr. - Live FreeBODY OF CHRIST NEWS APRIL 2020 7'