b'COMMUNITYDIMWMW 36th Leadership Conference/Luncheon" see the collage on pg. 12 ingnumberofsupporterscameoutbecameit\'sfirstPresident.HereweWorksEph:1:7"included:Financial to witness the Gospel story, empowerareintheyear2020beingleadandPhysicalFitness(Dr.JoyceD. By Dr. Claudette E. Sweet Womeninbusiness,buildministryunderthedynamicleadershipofit\'sBrooks,Ed.D.);EmotionalHealthand andsupportstudentsthroughthe47th President, Dr.Evangelist TywannaFamilyBalance(LadyTalhesiaA. Dr. Ollie Delores Barefield ScholarshipJones. Lane).;Wisdom Pearls Panelist:(Apostle O nSaturday,March7,2020Fund.Thisisthe5thanniversaryThisyear\'sConference/LuncheonDr.SandraPowell,LadyFlora Denver\'sInterdenominationalofthescholarshipfundwithJohnChair&COChairwereMinister\'sYoung,PastorDr.OdieKennedy.Dr. Minister\'sWivesandMinisters\'sAnthony Barefield as guest.AngelaFaison&ShellieJones.MarilynChitman)GuestSpeaker, Widows(DIMWMW)celebratedit\'sInMarchof1935DIMWMWwasDivineInterventionWorkshopsEvangelistJenniferYoungofJoliet, 36thAnnualLeadershipConferencefounded by Lady Fannie L Miller, whotheme"Redeemed#TheBloodStillIllinois.and Luncheon. A great and outstand-OPINIONGoing Above and Beyond to Praise God in a PandemicBy Sheila Smith Sometimes you just have to find a way when itBrowneofamegachurch,RiveratTampaBay doesntseempossible,PastorJohnwasquotedChurch in Florida, being arrested after his church saying to a local media station about his drive-inwas packed with worshippers despite the safe-at-I ts the new norm now to be creative, innovative,service. home ordered by the states governor. thechurch andencouragingwhenpreachingGodsword.Never met the man but I like him already. InwhatIcallaverylameexcuse, Because people of faith need that sense of hope toreleased this statement for keeping its doors open know God is still in control during this pandemicUnfortunately,forwhateverreasonsfinancially,andallowingthatmanypeople crisis as the COVID-19 Virus continues to spread. selfishnessorgreed,thereareinside:I was surfing the web and was quite impressedstill those churches keeping their by the things that some of the pastors are doing atdoorsopenandpackingpeopleIn a time of national crisis, we their churches, while horrified and in disbelief atinside the sanctuaries. expectcertaininstitutionstobe others risking the health and lives of their parish- The Colorado Springs Fellowshipopen and certain people to be on ioners by still holding worship services inside theirChurchinColoradoSpringshasduty. We expect hospitals to have buildings. beenunderscrutinyofthegov- theirdoorsopen24/7toreceive ernorfornotclosingitsdoors.and treat patients. We expect our Thefederalgovernment,governorsandmayorsThechurchsaysthatithasapolice and firefighters to be ready have all banned gatherings that include more thanConstitutionalrighttopracticeandavailabletorescueandto 10 people every state. their religion, even amid the pub- help and to keep the peace. The Therefore,inordertobringtheWordisnowlic health order aimed at prevent- Churchisanotheroneofthose steaming live online. Pastors preach their sermonsing the spread of COVID-19. essentialservices.Itisaplace throughlivestreamingbroadcastsfoundonthewhere people turn for help and for churchs websites. Larger mega churches have beenA local television station broad- comfortinaclimateoffearand doing this but for a lot of churches its somethingcasted Pastor Rose Banks preach- uncertainty.new. ing in the pulpit saying, If I amIamsorryyoucantcompare doingtherightthing,thenwhypeoples immediate medical needs NewHopeBaptistChurchinDenverhasawouldGodsendavirustokillduring a crisis and getting help from first respond-YouTube channel on its Facebook page where youme ers to that of the many different ways you can pray, can listen to the Rev. Eugene Downings sermons.The vice president of the church, Lamont Banks,praise or worship God. I guess the Tampa pastor There is also a call in audio message sermon forwasquotedsaying,"Itisourbeliefunderthedidntgetthememoofhowotherchurchesare people to hear if they dont have a computer.Constitution that we will exercise our religious rightdoing it and putting their members first.Members of Central Baptist Church in Denver canasachurchinthiscommunity.WeexerciseourI have the highest respect for our first responders go to the Periscope video live streaming website andrights, as it is the exercising of faith according toand thank them for being there during these trying enter cbc2400 for (Central Baptist Church) to gainthe word of God. We live by this as it is our faith.times when people all over the world are dying from live access to Pastor Rodney Perrys sermon. It is our belief that in this time of crisis accordingthis deadly virus.And Bishop Robert E. Martin Jr. of Zion Templeto scripture we run to the church as a place of ref-ChurchinDenverbringshismessagenowonuge and a place of hope for all those that seek it.You have to think of them as the last responders. SundaysandWednesdaysvialivestreamingonWe will under no circumstances close the doors ofThose morticians who embalm bodies and funeral Facebook and Instagram. Colorado Springs Fellowship Church. We stand byworkers who deal with the remains of the deceased this belief." andcomfortfamilymemberswhocantattenda But my favorite idea which I posted on my ownColorado Governor Jared Polis recently updated aservice to say good-bye to their loved ones. Facebook page was seeing churches have drive-inpublic health order regarding the Colorado SpringsAs funeral homes navigate through this corona-servicesthe parking lots becoming the pews. church defying orders and continuing to hold ser- virus pandemic are trying to be extremely careful It takes me back to the days of going to the drive- vices banning gatherings of 10 or more people. and take precautions as they deal with a shortage of in movies when I was a child. My parents packedThe new order now says Houses of Worship canpersonal protective equipment (PPE). They continue the car with my two brothers, my sister and I andremain open during the COVID-19 pandemic if theyhavingstreamingservicesonline.Becausepeople head to the drive-n movie theater down in Pueblo,practice extreme social distancing. arenowbarredfromattendingafuneralservice where I grew up. Hook the speakers to the side ofand if there is a service only two or three family the window and wed watch the movie on the hugeThe Vice President of the church board, Lamontmembers are allowed - visitations are non existent.outdoor screen. Banks, in a released statement did say the churchIt was distressing to see an ABC news story show I loved the idea of Gateway Fellowship Church inwillinformmembersofsocialdistancingrequire- ThomasPirroJr.,afuneraldirectorinSyracuse, SanAntonio,Texashavingdrive-inservice.MorementsbutencouragesanyonewhoisconcernedNew York, saying not being able to comfort mourn-than 300 people filled the parking lot for service onabout attending services to stay home. ers has been one of the most challenging aspects.Sundays this past month. More than 1,200 people attended services at Life"To see someone standing by themselves sobbing I especially giggled at seeing their worship guideTabernacleChurchinBatonRouge,Louisiana,is heart wrenching. Losing a loved one is stressful on line that stated: defying the governor\'s coronavirus ban order.and emotional under normal circumstances. To addHeadlights on shows I am ready to worship. Yet, the Rev. Tony Spell said he was not break- this the safe-distance factor and limited number inganylawsbyhavingworshipservice.Heevenof people that are allowed it\'s much more stress- Right Turn Signal shows I am raising one handboasted saying his church is "cleaner" than openful and more emotional. in worship. gas stations, Walmart and Sam\'s Club.It has been a scary few weeks lately as the num- WipersonshowsIamliftingbothhandsinHe specifically made a statement to a CBS newsber of people testing positive for the COVID-19 virus praise and worship. station that the coronavirus was not a concern. risesnotjustinColorado,California,NewYork, Of course you can also tune in to hear GatewayWow.Unbelievable.IgnorancecausespeopletoFlorida but other states as well.FellowshipsPastorJohnVanPaypreachonline,die. As Christians, we know our faith and prayers will Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. ThenwehearaboutPastorRodneyHoward- prevail in the end. Meanwhile, God still wants us to use some common sense on staying safe.10 APRIL 2020 BOCNEWS.com'