b'C O V E RS T O R YStayTrueto Your DreamBy: Bishop Israel Ade-AjalaIwant to encourage yoube those whom you have great respect for but have turned out to be never to give up on youragainst you and your dream. They might have even helped you in the dreams. People may notpast but are now standing in the way of your future. always believe in your dreams, they may not even believe in you,In Numbers 31 we read how the Lord commanded Moses to Take but stay true to your dreams. Letvengeance on the Midianites for the children of Israel (v 2). However, me tell you, the people you respectwe must not forget that it was the same Midianites that provided most may disappoint you but do nota place of refuge for Moses during his escape from the hands of give up on your dreams. So long asPharaoh the King of Egypt. As a matter of fact, Zipporah, Moses wife your dream is from the Lord and you arewas a Midianite. Jethro, Moses Father-in-law was a Midianite priest. faithful to Him, He will not let you down.(Exodus 2:1121) But here God told Moses to fight against Midianites The journey to the promise land may bebecause they were standing in the way of the children of Israel on tough, yet if you remain steadfast and you dotheir way to the promise land.Also, in Numbers 25:16-18. Then the not doubt the ability of the Lord to deliver, HeLORD spoke to Moses, saying: Harrass the Midianites, and attack will take you to your promise land.Rememberthem; for they harassed you with their schemes .the saying of the Marines When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. The same is trueYou see, simply because somebody has helped you in the past does about achieving your dreams. The going will getnot guarantee that they will be there to help you in your future. tough only remain tough in the Lord. Therefore, you must stay true to your dream even when the people you respect in your past are trying to kill your dream. Here at Kingdom Connection Christian Center, we are raising champions for the Lord. As champions, we haveGiants may also be those who jump on the bandwagon of your realized that the only way you could become a championdream because they think it provides opportunity for them to show is to fight and win. No one dares not to fight yet becomescase their pride. However, you may soon find out that they do not a champion. Champions are made at the battle front. That isbelief in your vision but they are only looking for ways to establish why we are not moved by what the enemy is doing. We are onlythemselves. Such people will quickly turn against you and could moved by the Word of the Lord. become thorns in your flesh. They would discourage you and suggest to you their own vision as the word of the Lord. If you do not yield Let me tell you that before your dream could become a reality youto them, they might start to cause division within your ranks and will have to face some giants. You see, when you face giants, then itcause your people to start complaining.is an indication that you are closer to your promise land. Giants could 3 BOCNEWS.COM'