b'BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAGAZINE AUGUST 2024THE CHURCH SHOULD VALUE RESTORATIONBY: ADRIAN TAYLOR, JR., THDBrethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:1-2 KJV)It seems like todays Christian Church no doesnt value the principle of Restoration. The above verse clearly expresses that, if we are spiritual, and a lot of people claim to be, we are to take note of those with faults and restore them with a meek spirit.In fact, we are to see those individuals as we see ourselves, and we are to treat them with the type of kindness and love we would want from others if we found ourselves in that same situation.Do we want people to be free from their struggles, or do we like to feel superior when we point out the failings of others?Apostle Paul suggests that we fully represent Christ when we care for and help each other, but I am concerned that we have come to enjoy indulging on the juicy details of peoples private problems and secret sins.When details surfaces that are contrary to a persons public persona, then some, like a shark to blood in the water, pounce on that individual with glee!The Social Media posts of a mans negative seems to travel the world at the speed of light, and all the while the positive information moves at a snails pace. When we relish in the gossip of a persons downfall, we do not display the Character of Christ.When we support the downtrodden, we display the Heart of God. Which of these paths do you desire to travel?The latter if scorned, while the former is praised.ReIn John 3:19, Jesus said, light came into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light.The Lord is teaching us, that if we are not careful, we will give into our lower nature by loving darkness.Isnt it interesting that people love a bad boy rather than a goody two shoes.Controversy draws crowds, but purity struggles to gain attention.This is a testament to The Lords Words.There is an inherent desire for darkness in people.Even in the Church, people are happy to see others fall.This prevents many from looking to the Church for help;storthey know their faults will be pointed out and amplified.They choose to remain distant because of this.Though they believe in God and know the Church is where they should be, they have seen how Christians mistreat each other and want no parts of it.Biblical accounts of Jesus flipping over tables and the parable of the Good Samaritan reveal that men haveationaltered Gods intentions for His House, and godly people are not willing to help thehurting.Jesus concluded that we are only neighborly when we show kindness.Are you a neighbor to people?We have to look again at the scriptures and repent!We must reset our lives and the Church as a Safe place by choosing to walk in the light and Love of Christ.Let us learn to value Restoring people because when we do this, we fulfill the Law of Christ.For speaking engagements, please contact: ATJ Ministries at admin@lighthouseunited.orgFollow us on 10'