b'BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAGAZINE AUGUST 2024the audience, and online. One participant asked: for those who are dissatisfied with the two-party system, would you support a Black Political Party?Stockham,amongthepoliticallydissatisfied,saidyes. The Republican Party has ignored Black people, and the Democratic Party has exploited Black people, he replied. Everyfouryearstheycomeinandpromise,promise, promise,anddeliverabsolutelynothing.Anderson, however,isnotinfavorofaBlackPoliticalPartyand believes it to be unrealistic at this time.As the 2024 presidential election approaches, debates like this play a crucial role in shaping public opinion and galvanizingvoterturnout.Thediscussionssparkedby Anderson and Stockham will undoubtedly resonate within thecommunity,influencingthedecisionsofmanyas they head to the polls. Ultimately, The Great Black Debate exemplifiedthedynamicandmultifacetednatureof politicalengagementwithintheBlackcommunity, highlighting the diverse perspectives that contribute to the collective pursuit of progress and justice.The influence of Black voters in determining the outcome ofU.S.presidentialelectionsissignificantandoften decisive. This was notably evident in the 2020 election when the mobilization and support of Black voters played acrucialroleinJoeBidensvictory.Theirparticipation in key swing states helped secure his win against the incumbent president. Looking ahead, the power of Black votes will be equally critical in future elections. On one hand,theirbackingcouldbepivotalinVicePresident Kamala Harris making history as the first woman to hold the highest office in the country. On the other hand, their influencecouldalsoimpactthepossibilityofDonald Trump being reelected, depending on how his campaign engageswithandaddressestheconcernsofBlack voters. The role of this electorate group will undoubtedly be a deciding factor in the next presidential election.TheGreatBlackDebateunderscoredtheimportance ofinformedandengagedvotingwithintheBlack community.Ithighlightedtheneedforindividualsto criticallyevaluatetheplatformsandtrackrecordsof political candidates, ensuring that their votes are cast in alignment with their values and aspirations. The event also served as a reminder of the power and significance oftheBlackvote,urgingcommunitymembersto participate actively in the democratic process. The event Advertiseattracted a diverse crowd, reflecting the varied political affiliationsandinterestswithintheBlackcommunity. Attendeesengagedinlivelydiscussions,echoingthe themes presented during the debate. Many appreciated With Usthe opportunity to hear directly from representatives of both political spectrums, gaining a clearer understanding of the stakes involved in the upcoming election.The Great Black Debate can be viewed in its entirety at brotherjeff.com. BOCNEWS.COMFollow us on 16'