b'BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAGAZINE AUGUST 2024What We Know About The Fatal Shooting of Sonya MasseyCOP ARRESTED FOR KILLING A BLACK WOMAN President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris calling Masseys parents to express their condolences. In Sangamon County, where Springfield, Illinois, the stateOther state officials also reached out to Masseys parents.capital, is located, a deputy sheriff has been arrested for killing a Black woman by shooting her in the face after sheOn July 6, Grayson and another officer were sent to called police because she believed a burglar had brokenMasseys home in Springfield at around 12:50 am when into her home. she called emergency services to report a prowler, the Sangamon County Sheriffs Office said.Sheriffs deputy Sean Grayson, 30, shot and killed Sonya Massey, 36, while responding to her 911 call about aNew details from court documents revealed in Graysons burglar being in her Illinois home, police said.Masseyarraignment Thursday said that the two cops entered appeared to be mentally ill and needed assistance. her home to make sure she was safe, according to local CBS affiliate WCIA. Prosecutors said Grayson stayed in the In the past couple of weeks, a deputy sheriff shot andliving room with the mom-of-two while the other officer killed a serving U.S. Airman in his Florida apartment after asearched the house.landlord called complaining that loud noises were comingContinued from pg 8from his apartment but no one else lived there (June 3,According to court documents, Grayson noticed a pot,have our infamous fashion show. The men, 2024, May 13, 2024, May 15, 2024, May 16, 2024, May 20,reportedly containing hot water, on the stove and saidthe women, the childrenits serious. After 2024) that Massey could move it to a counter to prevent a fire.the fashion show, we party like we would As she moved the pot, Grayson allegedly drew his gun andat an outdoor Earth Wind and Fire concert. Grayson faces three counts of first-degree murder,aggressively yelled while threatening to shoot MasseyWe have amazing DJs. Sometimes, we have aggravated battery with a firearm, and officialin the face. Court documents say Sonya put her hands upfire works. We dont serve alcohol on the misconduct, authorities said Wednesday. and said, Im sorry, before ducking for cover behind thepremises cause granddaddy did not serve counter. alcohol around children. He also has a troubled work record and has worked for six police departments in six years. He also wasMasseys family has started a GoFundMe to supportSunday morning, you already know, if you photographed with a skull and cross on his forearm whichthe family as the case works through the system.know. We go to Little Zion Baptist Church some allege was a symbol of White supremacy. Money raised through the effort will go to mental healthandweworshipasafamily.Thisisthe counseling and support, travel costs, and householdsame church my grandmother Pecola was a Grayson was released from the Army in 2016 forsupport for the family for missed work. The GoFundMemember of when she was living. In fact, she unspecified but serious misconduct. Still, the Illinoiswas started by Masseys father James Wilburn and herwas the appointed host of the pastor and Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (FOP) has filed auncle Raymond Massey. his family in her home for Sunday dinner. grievance calling for Gray to be reinstated, arguing he wasWhen we go to church, as a family we have unfairly fired. Anyone wishing to send cards, letters of encouragement,continued her legacy. We bless the pastor or contributions in the form of a check may do so by mailand his family. My granddaddy wasnt a big But the murder has received national attention withat: Elks Grand Lodge, Attn: James Wilburn,P.O. Box 159,church goer but he believed in being good to Winton, North Carolina, 27986 the church.EndFollow us on 14'