b"The Concrete's Slowly CreepingBy Michael FortiW ithin the past few years, we have seen a spikeinviolentcrimesbeingcommitted in broad daylight. Two bathrooms in Boulder, andalibraryinEnglewoodwereshutdown afterbeingexposedtometh.Localfast-food stores,especiallylocatednearschools,are forcedtolocktheirbathroomsduetopeople usingthemforsleeping,stealing,drinking, and doing drugs. Security cam and cell videos areshowviolentcrimes,peoplebeingrobbed and beaten in and outside of light rails. A Foxpeople cant afford and attorney. Now the ruth- GodsawesomepropheticWordisnowbeing News Weatherman, who came to the rescue ofless are getting away with almost anything! SHOWTIMEDoneverylivingroomscreen. an elder being harassed in a NY subway, wasIn the meantime, while people all around theWhile the TV show, Ancient Aliens gives credit brutalized by a group of punks. Drug overdosesworldarebeingdistractedto extraterrestrials, Satan is continuetoclimbasthesouthernboarderby violence, politics, interestlaughingallthewaytothe remains unstable.rates,gasandfoodprices,bank.Closeto6800migrantsperdayarecom- housingcosts,thestocksTheBibledoesntjust ingin,openinguppocketsforsmugglers.market, rising inflation, autoteach about the immorality, Headlines continue to report that there is a risecarandsupplyshortages,corruption,thebreakdown in school violence, overdoses, school shootings,thechip,cellphonecom- ofsocietyandglobalpoli-and an increase in cyberbullying. What aboutpaniesbeinghackedandtics,buttheslowcreeping Colorado gun rights? Modern tech-video cams,layingoffmanyemployees,catastrophicBiblicalevents cell phones and door bells are revealing morethe latest in aerospace, gunthat will begin to surface on jaw dropping crime of all kinds, taking place inlaws, school safety, airports,aglobalscale.Therewill stores,frontporchtheft,cartheft,roadrage,entertainment,watershort- besignsinthesun,moon neighbor wars. Aggressive dog maulings areages, people will continue toandstars.Ontheearth, on the rise, mostly involving Pit Bulls and otherlive life as usual. AccordingNATIONS will be in anguish known aggressors. 16 year old girl mauled byto the Holy Bible, people willand perplexity at the roaring sixCaneCorsodogsinThousandOaks(Losbe eating, drinking, buying,and tossing of the sea. Men Times). An elderly women was mauled to deathselling,plantingandbuild- will faint from terror, appre-and her grandson was injured by two attackinging right up to the day thathensive of what is coming on Pit Bulls in Golden, late fall 2022. Most BuddyJesusreturns(Luke17:26- theworld,fortheheavenly centers are filled with abandoned Pit Bulls. 83%37).Michael Forti bodies will be shaken (Luke of all residential liability insurance claims areIn the mean-time, without21:25-27NIV84).Sadto due to dog bites. Lawsuits are on the rise andrealizingit,theworldwidesay,Hollywoodalongwith attorneyfeesareskyrocketingleavingsmallNewsAnchorswillbekeepingeveryoneuptotheeveningNewshasdone case victims in the ditch. Attorneys are gettingdate concerning the Biblical signs of the times.a much better job to inform the people about so greedy that some are charging $5K just toHawaiianvolcanicactivity,floods,sinkholes,theBiblicalsignsofthetimesandthecata-lookatyourpaperwork.Brutalviolatorsandcyberattacks, UFOs, asteroids, earthquakes.strophiceventsthanthechurchhas.Dantes scam artists are cheating people knowing thatPeak, Armageddon, San Andres, The Day After Tomorrow, Deep Impact, Volcano I remember many years ago, after I just met Jesus,IheardLynyrdSkynyrds,RonnieVan Zant sing, I can see the concrete slowly creep-Hawaiian volcanic activity, floods, sink holes,ing. Lord take me and mine before that comes (AllIcandoiswriteaboutit).Thatsexactly what the Lord did. Ronnie died in a plain crash cyberattacks, UFOs, asteroids, earthquakes.while on tour. Its obvious that as a child, back in the 60s, Ronnie must have heard his home-Gods awesome prophetic Word is now beingtown pastor preaching about the last days and theSoonComingoftheLord.Hemusthave beenlistening,orhewouldnthavewritten SHOWTIMED on every living room screen.about it. We all have a choice to make.Noquestion,asweseetheconcrete While the TV show, Ancient Aliens gives creditslowlycreeping,peoplewillbelivingjustthe way they were in the days of Noah and in the to extraterrestrials, Satan is laughing alldays of Lot. The spirit of antichrist will be step-ping onto the global stage, blinding people from the way to the bank. understandingBiblicalreality.SatanicUFO sightings are becoming more obvious and open-ly accepted.Many within main stream Christianity remain Continued on Page 158 FEBRUARY 2023 BOCNEWS.com"