b'MENTAL HEALTHOurMentalHealthColorados mental health problem is onlyfor those on Medicaid - over half of the recipientstryMatters!severallower-costversionsofthattreatment of which are Black, Hispanic, or another non-whitebeforeinsurancewillcoverthedoctor-prescribed getting worse. Heres what Lawmakersethnicity.medication.Thosewhodonotfindsuccesswith thesecheaperandolderdrugsmaywaitmonths and the Governorshould be doing: Other obstructions to care include cost of treat- before they can finally begin taking the medicine that ment, cultural stigmas against mental health treat- was originally intended to treat their symptoms. B y now we have all heard that Colorado is in thement, English language aptitude, and a lack of cul- Itshardtoadmitthatyourmentalhealthmay midst of a mental health crisis. Though this isturally competent psychiatrists. an issue that has received considerable media cov- Yet even if a potential patient were to overcomerequire specialized treatment - especially for those erage, weand especially the Governor and Statethesebarriers,itmaystilltakemonthsfortheminminoritycommunities.Thelastthingsomeone Legislatureneed to be doing more than just talk- to start receiving the treatment their doctor wouldstruggling with a mental illness should have to worry ing about this issue. Since the height of COVID-19,prescribe. This roadblock isnt borne from socioeco- about is obtaining insurance coverage for a medica-Colorados mental health crisis has only worsened,nomic standing or cultural stigma, but rather fromtion that could save their life. with our state ranking 45 out of the 50 states andcomplicated anti-patient health insurance practices.Weshouldbetakingactivestepstorightthis D.C.intermsofmentalillnessprevalence.NearlyOne of these practices is step therapy, which iswrong. That is why the Body of Christ News is call-one in four Coloradans suffer from this terrible ail- intended to save costs for payers, but ends up doinging on the State Legislatureto vote for step therapy ment.muchmoreharmthangoodandendsupcostingreform this session and for the Governor to sign such Though studies have shown that people of coloreveryone including insurance companies more thanLegislation into law.Limiting this flawed practice suffersimilarmentalillnessratesastheirwhiteis ever saved.Mental health issues for patients arewill result in better long-term psychiatric outcomes, neighbors, they suffer from a disproportionate accessincrediblynuancedandrequireanindividualizedsave lives, and may even end up saving money for tocare.Further,blackandHispanicColoradoansapproachtotreatment.Assuch,whenapatienthealth plans. When mental illnesses patients have are more likely to say they suffer from psychologicalmeets with their doctor and shares how they feel, thequicker access to the right medication, theyre less distress and are less likely to receive treatment.doctor may have in mind a drug that they know willlikely to suffer from a psychiatric event that could These realities stem from a multitude of factors.best treat the patients condition. leave them with crippling emergency room or inpa-Mental health treatment facilities are less prevalentUnfortunately, step therapy prevents doctors fromtient facility bills. in minority communities, and many people of colordoing their job. If the drug that the doctor has inAt the end of the day, decisions about a patients have neither the time nor the means to travel longmind is newer to the market, the patient first musttreatmentfortheirmentalhealtharebestleft distances for treatment. This issue only intensifiesbetweenthepatientandtheirphysician.Health plansdonthavelicensestopracticemedicine,so theyshouldleavedecisionsaboutwhichmedica-tions to prescribe to those that do. In 2023 lets put patients over profits for insurance companies, and Mental health treatment facilities are less prevalent inpass step therapy reform in Colorado. minority communities, and many people of color have neitherThe Body of Christ News urges our friends in the Legislature to take action now and for the Governor the time nor the means to travel long distances for treatment.to sign it into lawthis issue directly affects one way or the other every African-American and African This issue only intensifies for those on Medicaid - overimmigrant family in Colorado. We expect leadership from the Governor and the half of the recipients of which are Black, Hispanic,State Legislature to change so-called step therapy or as it should be called Fail First requirements so that or another non-white ethnicity.ourCommunitiesandeveryColoradoCommunity can get the best mental health treatment possible from day one. We deserve no less.12 FEBRUARY 2023 BOCNEWS.com'