b'Forti. continued from page 8 The Lord teaches that whileencouraging, yet, its another thing people are too occupied with world- to be living up to realty.asleepatthewheel,whileothersto God and resisting the devil. Sadly affairs and idolatry, the signs ofTherefore, Be patient then broth-aresaying,COMEONJESUS!tosay,mostpeoplewillnotopenthe times will continue to increaseers,untiltheLordsComing.See Insteadofpreachersteachinga Bible because there is more cor- allaroundtheglobe.Nationwillhow the farmer waits for the land aboutthesignsofthetimesandruptiontakingplacewithintheriseagainstnationandkingdomto yield its valuable crop, and how the Soon Coming of our Lord, beingfour walls of the church than thereagainstkingdom.Therewillbepatientheisfortheautumnand the only restraining force that sep- is in Washington. For it is time forgreatearthquakes,faminesandspringrains.Youtoo,bepatient arates good from evil, many will bejudgementtobeginwiththefam- pestilencesinvariousplaces,andand stand firm, because the Lords allowing Satan to come on in, andily of God; and if it begins with us,fearful events and great signs fromComingisnear(James5:7-8 to do the preaching (Rev 2:12-26,what will the outcome be for thoseheaven.Allthesearethebegin- NIV84),1Tim4:1).Nowonderthisworldwho do not obey the gospel of Godning of BIRTH PAINS (Matt 24:3-8, isheadingoveracliff.Itsthe(1Pet 4:1-19 NIV84). Luke21:11-28-NIV84).ItsoneUntil next time, Jesus is coming church that should be submittingthing to be positive, optimistic andSoon. Are you going to be ready?!COLORADO SPRINGSADVERTISEYOUR CHURCH HERE! email information to:info@bocnews.comBODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2023 follow us onfacebook 15'