b'OBITUARY SCRIPTUREThe Life and Legacyof Pastor Tom Jones February\'s Word: October 14, 1948January 31, 2023 God is LoveO nMondayJanuary31,2023 at2:30a.m.PastorThomas (Tom)Jones,aServantLeader, Businessman,Husband,Father, MentorandPastorofFHG1Experience His Love: Ministries and Community Center, inAurora,CO,whereheservedlike never before. alongsidehiswifePastorAnitha 1 JOHN 4:16Jones,transitionedfromthislife into Eternal Life. As we celebrate the Alifewell-lived,PastorTom (affectionallyknownasPastorT)month of love this was able to gain the Trust, RespectFebruary, We are and Confidence of countless peopleThankful for God and whomhemet.Hisdown-to-earth, no-nonsensewayofrelatingtoHis Abundant , Constant everyone he came in contact withLOVE for You and Me. endeared people to him. Tom JonesPSALM 136: 26Amentortomentors,PastorTand Generosity its not surprising wasalwayswillingtosharehis wealthofknowledge,expertise,thatwhenhesawthehomelessGod is Love!God LovesHappy Valentine!and to lend a helping hand to thosebeggingforfoodat"TheTasteof who needed him the most. Colorado"indowntownDenver,You Unmeasurably,Love, In fact, there was no assignmentPastorTom,TheManwiththeUnconditionally and sosmallthatitwasbeneathhimPlan,startedaministrytofeedUnwaveringly!Pastor Pollyor too high that it was out of reachthe homeless. Pastor Tom fed the homelessdowntownweeklyfor JEREMIAH 31:3 Sanders-Petersonfor him. He was a friend to the pris- years before opening For His Glory oner, a confidant to the banker andand continued even after the incep- covenanthouseoflove.coma pastor to the pastor. Gods desire is that A Bold and Courageous Servanttion of the ministry. we come to Know and303-744-2122Leader, he was fearless in the faceAs a Community Leader, Pastors ofopposition.Hewasn\'tafraidtoTom and Anitha owned and oper-take risks, nor intimidated by fail- atedChristianDaycareCenters ure.HewasReal,Relevantandand Preschools in Aurora, CO and strived always to be Realistic. impacted the lives of many parents and children in the Denver Metro Helovedthefactthathiswife,Area.Pastor Anitha, was called to preachEveryone has a Pastor Tom story the Word of God over 30 years ago,to tell, and we know that for years and he was a strong advocate forto come there will be many sweet her and Women in general, servingand precious memories and stories in Ministry. beingtold.ButnowPastorTom, His vision for the members of ForweCelebratethefactthatyou His Glory Christian Fellowship washavejoinedagreatcloudofwit-that every member who desired tonesses, walking around, and living beahomeownerbecamehome- in Eternity with your Creator.owners. He worked tirelessly to seeLive on Pastor Tom! We are carry-that vision realized by assisting theing on the Work. We will make you members in any way that he could. proud and we refuse to stop until AsamanofCompassion,Love,the work is done.ADVERTISEYOUR CHURCH,BUSINESS or EVENTHERE! email information to:info@bocnews.comBODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2023 follow us onfacebook 19'