b'WORD OF GOD Allow MeBy Mary Lu SaddorisO hmydearchild,donotplan and ponder of how to handle the events in your life. Allowmetomoveinyourlife.I willmakeallthingsrightforyou. Mistakes have been made. Accidents havehappened.Butyouarenota mistake or an accident. Child, know thatonlyIknowtheplansIhave plannedforyourlife.Myplansare not meant to hurt or harm you. They aremeanttocauseyoutoprosper and to grow strong in me child. The enemy can only operate as far as I the Lord God will allow him to.Know,dearone,thatextremeM y name is Jimmy Johnson.current and previous tax return.darkness has indeed come upon thisChanging tax preparer is notItisoutbusinesstoseethat land. There are happenings as neveradecisionanyoneshouldtake beforeseen.DonotbedismayedMary Lu Saddoris lightly.Afterall,youprobablyeverytaxpayeristreatedfairly child. Be encouraged. Keep your eyesdidsomeseriouscomparisonwhen dealing with the IRS. There upon me. Focus upon me each day.isnoneedtobeintimidatedor Read upon my word each day. Trustlove for them. I will anoint your lipsshoppingbeforedecidingtogopayunnecessarypenaltiesand me dear one, to cause my plans forand give you the words to say. Leadwith the preparer you have today.interestbeforeinvestigatingthe you to come to pass. themtothefootofmycross.TellThis year may be the perfect timesource of the problem.As I have said , there are no mistakesthem of my blood that was shed fortocompareyourcurrentservice or accidents. These are all part of mythem.ThatImadeawayforthem.withtheoneofferedbyJimmyNeverunderestimatethe plans for you. Do not turn away fromTellthemtoreceivemyforgivenessJohnson Tax Service. valueofagood,dependabletax me. Stay your course. Do not jumpas they confess their sins. They willservice.Ifyouhavequestions ship. You will miss my blessings. Dobecome my children. They will dwellWeknowthestressthatorconcernspickupthephone not allow the spirit of discouragementin my heavenly home forever, as youcomes every tax season. With soandcallusat303-331-8728or to operate in your life and hinder you.will also.manypossiblepitfallstoavoidstopbyouroffice,2839Fairfax My righteous right hand is upon youTime is growing short. Do not fear.theprocessoffilingcanbeaStreet,Denver,CO80207.Ifits nowandforevermore.YouarenotBe strong and of a good courage. Berealnightmare.Howeverwithataxes you are concerned about, I alone.I,theLordGod,amshiningwatchingandwaitingformyverylittle planning and help from the my light of love for you in this greatsoonreturnformypreciousbride.right highly trained professionalshavemoney-savingsdeductions darkness.MyLightwillshowyouIdesirefornonetobelostorlefteveryonecanpassthroughtaxyoumightnotknowexist.For where to walk in your journey downbehind for the coming wrath.yourconvenience,ourofficeis this road. Do not stop. Do not quit.Press on my child. I will lead youseasonwithaslittlestressasopenMonday-Fridayfrom8:30 Press on dear one. andguidewhereIwouldhaveyoupossible.HandlingtaxproblemAM to 6:00 PM and Saturday by Know as you journey child, you willto be. Continue to trust in only me.withefficiency,precisionandappointmentonlyfrom9:30AM meet those who are lost and cannotChild I will give you peace and rest.excellentcustomerserviceisto 3:00 PM.findtheirway.TheyaresearchingMydear,dear,precious,preciouswhat we do. We will review your formeandcannotfindme.Asyouchild. journey,youaretotellthemofmy Over 25yrs of experienceFederal & State returns Individual & Year-round tax planning Organizations & preparation IRS representation Amended ReturnsAs I have said , there are no (limited to IRS disputes)ExtensionsDelinquent Returns Notary Servicesmistakes or accidents. These are all Offer in Compromisepart of my plans for you. Do not turn away from me. Stay your course. Do not jump ship. You will miss my blessings. Do not allow the spirit of discouragement to operate in your life and hinder you. BODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2022 9'