b'POLITICSVoting Rights or Black Ignorance?By Linda Waller Short cnet.com/how-to/voting-rights-whats-next/You can see the language of any bill/legislation at heNAACPwrote,andIquote:Congressmustwww.congress.gov.If the last election hasnt provedThe NAACP is supposed T restore the Voting Right Act by passing the Johnanything else, it proved that its time to educate our-Lewis Voting Rights ActH.R.4, to help protect vot- selves, and not rely on others interpretations and/ to be bipartisan, but ers from racial discrimination and voter suppression. or understanding.The1965VotingRightsBillRemember,theNAACPwasappear to be firmly hasnotchanged,sowhatfoundedbyCaucasiandemo-crats. Its a tool, just like Black needstoberestored?RacialLives Matter. Ask yourself whyentrenched on the left, discriminationandvotersup- they both funnel millions of dol-pression are clearly against thelars per year, but nothing sub- just like their founders. law already and punishable bystantive seems to be happening law, so exactly what are we in danger of losing? How does thein the black community?toThe problem is there are JohnLewisVotingRightsActTheNAACPissupposed protectvotersfromracialdis- bebipartisan,butappeartogood upstanding black crimination? Were already pro- befirmlyentrenchedonthe tected and were not in dangerleft,justliketheirfounders. of losing that right. If we are,The problem is there are goodfolks on the left, right and please show me where?upstanding black folks on the ZackSmith,alegalfellowleft, right and even in the mid- even in the middle, if they at Heritage Foundation\'s Meesedle,iftheyaregoingtocon-CenterforLegalandJudicialtinuetoostracizepartoftheare going to continue Studies,believesDemocratsblack community, they need to change their name. They have could gain traction for the nextusliterallyhatingourblackto ostracize part of the go-around "by getting on boardbrothersandsistersondif-with some common-sense elec- Linda Short ferentsidesofpolitics.Why?black community, they tion integrity measures."Black ignorance."They want to ban state voterdon\'t think thatput in office, andFor decades people have beenneed to change their ID laws but the majority of votersmade millions due to black igno-constitutes voter suppression," Smith said. "In 2020, we saw very high turnout rates, the highest in 100rance. The truth is they dont want us to be informed.name.years. This idea that voter suppression is happening widespread is somewhat misleading." https://www. Continued on Page 18SERMONWarfare with DemonsBy Sister Carrie McElroy the word of God (v:15) and these are theybythewaysidewheretheword is sown; but when they heard, satan T heChurchneedstoaddressthecometh immediately and taketh away subjectofdemons.Weneedtothe word that was sown in their hearts." deal with the deliverance from demonSaints, we must study God\'s Word. spirits over our children. We are in aGodsaiditistimefortheChurch WAR with seducingto address the sub-spirits,thesesspir- ject of Demons, We itsareentertain- say that the devil is ingourchildrenrunningrampidin inmusic,cloth- the world today, we ing,drugs,alcohol,needtodealwith internetsex,ontvthe deliverance from and more.demons spirits that Ephesians6:12hastakenoverour "For we wrestle notchildren.Wearein againstfleshandaWARwithseduc-blood,butagainsting spirits! p r i n c i p a l i t i e s , againstpowers,Thedefinitionof against the rulers ofseduces;1Timothy the darkness of this4:1"NowtheSpirit world, against spiri- speakethexpress-tualwickednessinly,thatinthelat-high places." ter times some shall The world tells usdepartfromthe togetvaccinatedfromthespiritoffaith,givingheedtoseducingspirits, covid-19toprotectourselves,Godisand doctrines of devils." telling us to put on the whole armorTheseSpiritsareentertainersin of God. Ephesians 6:13-17 say Satansome of the churches, and the world wants to discourage God\'s people. Inmusic, durgs, sex, just look at the way the book of John 10:10 Jesus tells usour children are dressing and acting. that"thethiefcomethnot,butfortoTheChurchmustprayandspeak steal, and to kill, and to destroy"; Thethe word of God over our Children ask-Bible tells us that he is after the wording God to seal his word in there and of God which is in our hearts.our hearts.Mark4:14-15"Thesowersoweth 14 FEBRUARY 2022 BOCNEWS.com'