b"SCRIPTUREWaiting On God.Is This Promise Really For Me?By Dr. PM Wynn GroveW e are living in a right now world wewantwhatwewantright now. As we grow and walk with our heavenly Father every day, yes, we too oftentimes find ourselves wondering if something has happen, did God turn HIS back on our prayer request and or promise? Will the promise I know God has for me going to happen this year and so on. Most people wonder ifbiblicalassuranceappliestotheir specific situation.AsyourwaitingonGod,youneed a firm and steadfast anchor you can holdontoasthedays,weeks,and monthsgobysoyouwillnotgrow discouraged.Wewanttoholdon keepinginmindthattherewillbePM Wynn Grovedelays to our victoriously promise. For us to hold on we must actively claimguide you.If we hunger and thirst for HiswordandcontinueobeyingHimrighteousness, we will be filled (Matt step-by-stepInPsalm119:50says,5:6) If we desire to be conformed to Your promise revives me; it comfortsthe image of His Son, the Father will me in all my troubles. But for you toempower us in that pursuit (Rom 8:29)feel assurance successfully, you must be certain that the Father meant it forSecond,doesthecontextofthe you and the particular longing you areScriptureallowit?Wecan'tmerely wrestling with. So how can we knowchooseapromisefromtheBible forsure?Howdowetakeholdofawithout regard to its background and promisefromGodandbeconfidentintent.Wheneveryoufindapassage that it is really for you. Throughout thethatisexceptionallymeaningfulto years, this is the criteria I have used toyou, consider to whom it was originally answer this very question. directed, whether a wider application First,doesthispromisemeetaofitisappropriate,andifthereare particular need or desire the Lord wantrequirements that must accompany ifs tofulfill?Allofusrequiredirectionfulfillment.whenitcomestoourdecisionsandThird,doesthefulfillmentofthis aswehaveseenrepeatedlyGodispromiseglorifyHim?Ofcourse,the pleased to lead us. In Psalm 32:8 HeLord makes these commitments to us promises,IwillinstructyouandbecauseHelovesusunconditionally teach you in the way which you shouldandwantstogiveusguidance, go; I will counsel you with My eye uponprovision, and protection. But he also you. Our heavenly Father specificallydoes so to reveal His awesome wisdom, commits to meeting this need. He willpower,andforustobecomepartof When you sin, you willfully choose to go outside His will and meet your 1. Rick Dillard -6. Edwrin Sutton - needs on your own. You intentionally Breadthrough TheThe RevivalExodus 7. Christina Bell - deny His power and wisdom to help 2. Canton Spirituals -Still FaithfulHallelujah Anyhow 8. Kenny Lewis - Undefeated you. You are saying with your actions 3. Casting Crowns - Healer 9. Danny Gokey -4. Tamela Mann - Overcomer Jesus People that you don't trust him.5. Jason Nelson - Close 10 Andy Mineo - Neverland Ii6 FEBRUARY 2022 BOCNEWS.com"