b"our living testimony. He makes Himselfdisobedience.Therefore,ifHehas known to those around us. Therefore,identifiedsomesininyourlife,you ifarequestwouldultimatelyharmmust turn away from it. For example, you or be hurtful to another person,ifyouknowGod'swordaskyouto ordoesnothonorHimorfitHistithe a 10th of your earnings and you character, or could stop someone elsechoosenottooryoubelieveyour from seeking Him, it is most likely notpromisewillbeahusbandandyour in His plan for you. withsomeoneelsehusbandnow. Fourth,IsthispromiseconsistentWill God honor that request No. in fact, withHiswillforyourlife?It'ssothe Lord would do that man a terrible important that we walk in the centerdisservice if He did. ofGod'spathforus,knowingHimGod's promises are meant to bolster better,andbecomingallHecreatedour trust in Him. Not undermine it. He youtobe.TheassurancesHegivewill not sanction disobedience. As best you,therefore,willgenerallysupportas you know how, live in obedience to what He is calling you to accomplish.Him.Forexample,iftheFatheriscallingSixth,finally,Isthefulfillmentof youintofull-timeministry,youcanthis promise in your life going to bring count on Him to enable you to serveencouragement to others? Our prom-Him(1Pet.4:11)GodassumesfullisedeliveredbyGodshouldbeour responsibility for your needs when youtestimony.Becomealivingexample obey Him. ofHisgoodnessandgracetothose Fifth, Are you walking in obedience toaround us. They certainly were for the Him? Have we fully submitted to Godbiblical saints Romans 15:4 tells us, and carrying out what He wants youWhatever was written in earlier times to do as best you know how? If we arewaswrittenforourinstructions,so these gives, you the right and privilegethatthroughperseveranceandthe toclaimHispromises.Warning.encouragementoftheScriptureswe Keep in mind if you are rebellious andmight have hope. In other words, we livingaccordingtoyourowndesires,canperseverebecauseweseehow you will forfeit your ability to take holdGod worked through their lives.ofHiswonderfulassurances.(IsaiahKeep your eyes fixed on God, there 59:1-2)explains,TheLord'shandisis none like Him. We have our instruc-not so short that it can't save; nor istionstogetusthroughourjourney His ear so dull that it can't hear. Butin this life. So, I say to you If you are your iniquities have made a separationwalkinginobedienceandyouhave between you and your God, and yourexamyourselfwait,waituponthe sins have hidden His face from you soLord He will renew your strength. And that He does not hear. your promise is on the way.When you sin, you willfully choose to go outside His will and meet your needs on your own. You intentionallyDr.PMWynnGroveandher denyHispowerandwisdomtohelphusbandLeeGroveJr.arethe you. You are saying with your actionsFoundersofHeavenlySent that you don't trust him. My brothers andsistersHewillnotblessthat,Ministries.PastorPMcanbe andHewillnotcontributetoyourreached by pmwynn9@msn.comADVERTISEYOUR CHURCH,BUSINESS or EVENTHERE! email information to:info@bocnews.comBODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2022 7"