b'OPINIONDo BlackLives Matter?B lack Lives Matter started as a slo- cause police contact. I wonder where gan but now it\'s an organization.BLMiswhenblacksshootblacksor Unfortunately protesters only show upwhen our babies are shot?whenwhitecopsshootsblackmen,Does BLM support strong black fam-which in reality is not that often. Manyilies or black men? NO - do your home-of the shootings are not justified butwork and you\'ll also find the founders thevictimshavedonesomethingtoaretrainedinMarxism(anideology with demonic roots).Theyareactivelyoperatinginthe demonicrealmbyusinglibation(a WestAfricanoccultpractice).They Black lives willsimply call up or invoke spirits in their ""work".Wakeup-don\'tletGeorge Soros or Al Sharptonlead you astray. never matter untilPeoplearerebellious,blamingevery-one else and acting entitled. Racism is they matter to usa battle cry of the far left but it\'s not about race. Nor is it about Trump or as a people. Biden. Blackliveswillnevermatteruntil they matter to us as a people. Look for truth!WORD OF GOD Through the FireBy Mary Lu SaddorisM y dear precious child, know I will take you through the fire. You will not be burned. Therewillbenosmellofsmoke uponyou.Iwilltakeyouthrough the mighty storm. The wind and the rainwillblowsoveryhardupon you. You will not stumble or fall. I will keep you steady with my righ-teous right hand. I will protect you, my child. I will keep you in all your ways.Mychild,youaremineandIAM yours.Nothingcanseparateyou frommylove.Myloveforyouis from everlasting to everlasting. Hear mywordsoflovebeingspokentoMary Lu Saddorisyou this very day. Do not allow fear anddreadtoovertakeyou.Child, youarenotalone.Placeallyoursays and you will be blessed in what trust and hope in me, precious one.you do. Walk in love and mercy to Iwillbringyouthrougheachandall around you. Tell them of my love every trial. As I have said, you arefor them. Help them receive me into notalone.Restinme.Donotbetheirheartsandlives.Bringthem wiseinyourowneyes.Knowthatinto my kingdom.I will lead you on my straight path. Look to me and turn your back onContinue to walk in my love as you all things of this world. careforthewidowsandorphans My joy will be your strength. I willwho are in need. Dear one continue make you strong. Meditate upon myto walk in my love, seeking the lost 1. Edwrin Sutton - The Revival 6. Cece Winans - HolyWord.HidemyWordinyourand those who are dying. Go forth 2. Todd Dulaney - Believe For It heart. My Word never changes. Mytellingthemofmyloveforthem, Anthems & Glory 7.Mercy Me - Word will never pass away. My Wordhelping them to receive my forgive-3. Jason Clayborn - GodInhale (Exhale) is living and active. My Word judgesness. Others will see and hear you Made It Beautiful 8. Ben Tankard - Shine thethoughtsandtheattitudesofandwillbedrawnuntoyou.They 4. Essential Gospel Hits -9. Brian Courtney Wilson -your heart. There is nothing hiddenwillknowthatyouareindeedmy Various Still from my sight, Child, I AM the liv- belovedchildthatIlovesovery 5. David Crowder - Milk &10 Marvin Sapp - ing Word. much. I desire to use you in great Honey Chosen Vessel andsmallways.Walkinloveand My Word gives freedom. Do not justobedience to me. My dear, dear pre-listen to my Word. Child, do what itcious, precious child.6 JULY 2021 BOCNEWS.com'