b'END TIMESLiving with GuiltBy Michael FortiH angingontoYourCrownWhile waitingformyprintingtoget doneatthestore,Ilookedoverat the rack and read a card that said, "I have done many things in my life. It\'sagoodthingIcan\'tremember halfofthem."Asyouknow,alife withoutJesusisalifewithoutcon-viction.Whenwetrulygiveourlife to the Lord, we are then lead by the Holy Spirit, who convicts us of all sin. Insteadofforgettingaboutthelives we lived, we can\'t help but remember everythingaboutourpast."Ican\'t believe the things I did. What was I thinking?!I remember one night in the prison, the room filled up with men carryingMichael FortitheirBible\'s.Aftereveryonesatand settled down, one inmate just startedIaskedhim,"Didyoucareabout offbyopenlytellingthechurch,"IyoursinbeforeyoumettheLord." havejustbeenterriblelately,usingHesaid"NO."Iwentontosay,"It\'s the F word every 10 seconds, thinkingamiraclethatyouarenowseeing lustfulthoughts,gettingfrustratedwhat a mess you are." No question, he andangry,usingtheLord\'snamewas under the conviction of the Holy invain,beingun-submissivetotheSpirit. GREAT NEWS!cops, and not appreciating anything."Unfortunately,ittakesalifetimebocnews .comHe went on for about 2 minutes. Yet I could see that he held that Bible tight.walking with the Lord to forget what After he settled down, I asked every- lies behind. As Satan tries to drag us one to give the Lord a praise offeringdown with the guilt, causing depres-forthisgentleman.Afterthepraisesion and even suicidal thoughts, God stopped, the man said, "Why give thereminds us, "Therefore, there is now Lordapraiseofferingformysinfulno condemnation for those who are in life? I am an absolute MESS!"Christ Jesus." He reminds us that we are all in this boat together, and that we have all sinned, yet forgiven. Is it possible that God allows us to remember some of our past failures to not only teach us, but to make sure thatwedon\'tfallintothesameold crateragain?Weneedtocheckour salvation. "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have RECEIVED the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice of sin is left but the fearful expectation of the Raging Fire that will consume Knowing that guilt,theenemiesofGod"(Heb10:26-27 NIV84).condemnation,Thereareseveralwarningsinthe Bible about falling away from the true depression andfaith. Knowing that guilt, condemna-tion, depression and anxiety are not anxiety are notof God, however thinking that we can live anyway we want with no fear of of God, howeverGod\'s judgement is a sure indication that we are not lead by the Holy Spirit. No question, many within Christianity thinking that wetodayhaveforgottenallabouttheir past,withnoconviction,yetliving can live anyway wethe way they were as if they never got saved.want with no fear"If they have escaped the corruption oftheworldbyKNOWINGourLord of God\'s judgementand Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are is a sure indicationworse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been that we are not leadbetterforthemnottohaveKNOWN thewayofrighteousness,thento by the Holy Spirit. have KNOWN it and then to turn their backsonthesacredcommandthat waspassedontothem"(2Pet2:19-21NIV84).It\'s simply your choice to live in a deliberate life of sin or to turn from it. If you need help in doing so, your knees are a good place to get started. Untilnexttime.JesusisComing Soon! Are you going to be READY?BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JULY 2021 11'