b"SCRIPTUREAlone, But Not LonelyBy Dr. PM Wynn Grove becomesadistractionwhenitleads tosadness,dejectionandasense ofdesolationthatcauseyoutolose sightofthepromisemadebyJesus: G enesis2:18says,ThentheLordIwillneverleaveyounorforsake God said, It is not good for manthee(Heb.13:5).yesmybrothers tobealone.Withthesewords,Godand sisters loneliness will distract you confirmedtheneedforhumanrela- fromGodtheFather,Jesustheson tionships and began the process thatand the Holy Spirit. You may be alone would introduce the first relationshipbecauseyou'resingle,havenochil-between two human beings, Adam anddren or may have just moved to a new Eve. city or community.Perhaps you have Itispossibletobealoneandfeelchanged your life. Not around gangs, completely happy and satisfied in one'speople doing drugs, or just got release heart.Butitisalsopossibletobefromjail,endedalongrelationship lonelyinacrowd.Tobealoneistothat didn't work and more. Sometimes beseparatedfromothers:isolated,being alone is where God wants you to exclusive of anyone or anything else.be so you can hear from Him, or go to But loneliness is defined as the stateHim in prayer.ofbeinglonely,beingwithoutcom- A person can have a complete family pany, desolate, producing a feeling ofand a pet and still feel alone. SometimesDr. PM Wynn Grovebleaknessordesolation.Thewordpeople are lonely but don't even realize alone emphasized more of a physicalit, they cover up loneliness in so many sense than the emotional involvementways; by throwing themselves into theThank you God. we have you, who impliedbythewordlonely.Whenahustleandbustleoflife.Fillingourcan sympathize with our time of loneli-personisinsolitary(alone),itmayhouseswithmaterialpossessionsasness. All of Jesus' disciples and friends indicate isolation as a chosen course,we pursue dollar after dollar, or evenabandoned Him in the hours before He butwhencombinedwiththewordbusyingourselveswithchurchworkfaced the cross. But Jesus had these lonely,itsuggestssadnessandarather than kingdom work. When it'swords to say about that time: Behold sense of loss.' the word lonely adds to aall said and done, if we do not addressthehourcometh,yea,isnowcome, physical solitude a suggestion of long- the root of our loneliness, it will gnawthat ye shall be scattered, every man to ing for companionship. at our heart from the time we lay downhis own, and shall leave me alone: and Inessence,beingalonedoesnotat night until we wake up in the morn- yet I am not alone, because the Father necessarilymakeonelonely,anding. Loneliness allows Satan to go tois with me being lonely does not necessarily comeworkonyourmind.tellingyouhow becauseoneisalone.Beingaloneisyou're worthless, nobody wants to be(John16:32)Don'trelyonfriends primarily a physical reality; lonelinessinvolved with you, Satan will tell youthey will scatter in your time of need.is a state of mind. pick up the phone and start some gos- Jesus'wordsinthispassageare sip and so on. soverysimpleyetsoprofound.In I'm here to tell you today lonelinessthem lies our answer to the potentially deadlydistractionofloneliness;We are never alone, and there is no need to feel lonely, because God is with us! Openyoureyesandsee,reallysee, whereyouareandwhatyouhave as a child of God. Elevate your mind above your circumstances, above your Sometimes people are lonely but don't evensurroundingsandenvironment,and realize that a true sense of connection realize it, they cover up loneliness in soand completeness will never come from factors outside you; it can only come many ways; by throwing themselves intofromwithinyou.Stopseekingfulfill-ment and identity from external sourc-es,especiallyfromotherpeople,for the hustle and bustle of life. disappointmentoftencausesretreat and isolation and loneliness will soon follow.DenounceSatan'sdarkspiritDr. Rev. PM Wynn Grove can be of loneliness and remember you havereachedat:pmwynn9@msn.com. grace and mercy with you and JesusPMandLeearetheFoundersof said.I will be with you always. Heavenly Sent Ministries.4 JULY 2021 BOCNEWS.com"