b'COMMUNITYCaring and Sharingwith the Buffalo Soldiers1861toformanall-Blackcavalry10 am. to 3:30 p.m. alwaysopentothepublicon becoming the 9th and 10th cavalriesCaring and Sharings Food Bank isWednesdaysandSaturdaysfrom10 in helping to settle the western fron- a.m. to 12:30 p.m.tier and fighting those battles against the Native American Indians. Hence, thoseBlackcavalrymengainedthe nickname buffalo soldiers from the Native American Indians.watch online: bocnews.com After the American-Indian wars, the BuffaloSoldiersalsofoughtinthe By Sheila Smith 1898Spanish-AmericanWar.Later, theseoutstandingsoldiersservedas W hiletheBuffaloSoldiershavethe nations first park establishedtheirplaceinhis- rangers.tory,theycametogetherlastmonthFormoreinforma-to help support a community event ontionaboutCaring June 19. andSharing,located DaraGoldsbywithCaringandat1550ElmiraSt., Sharing said the Buffalo Soldiers wereAurora,Cocall720-out in full support in partnership with365-6353.Office their community outreach event. hoursareMonday CaringandSharingscommunitythroughFridayfrom day provided hot meals, grocery bags andentertainmentforthosewho came out to enjoy the day and learn more about the contributions Buffalo Soldiers made to our country.AccordingtoGoldsby,Caringand SharingCenteroffElmirastreetin Auroraisanorganizationthatpro-videsdirectresourcestothecom-munity,counseling,clothing,basic hygiene needs as well as a food bank.The Buffalo Soldiers go back in time ofbeingestablishedaftertheCivil War.Congresspassedlegislationin SCRIPTUREMen of The PromiseBy Apostle Lawrence E. PowellTHIS IS THE FIRST OF THE THREE PSALMS: does not work through it!MEN WORK HARD, start PSALM 127, for WHEN YOU FEEL \'THE WEIGHTnew ventures, and look for new opportunities, BUT M ENFACEOVERWHELMINGPRESSURESOF THE WORLD\': we do it entrusting the results to the Lord and BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL!We feel anpraying He would give us the strength we need!internal drive to provide for our families and to con- UNLESS THE LORD buildsTHESECONDVERSE tribute to our communities!WHETHER WE WANTthehouse,thosewhobuildSPEAKSATRUTHTHAT TO ADMIT IT OR NOT, \'we struggle\' with the expec- itlaborinvain!GODBUILTEVERY MAN NEEDS TO HEAR! tationsotherpeopleplaceonustoo!WEHAVEMENTOtakeresponsibility,It is in vain that you rise up TRAINED OURSELVES TO ignore the nagging painworkhard,protect,andpro- early and go late to rest, eating because weve been taught that its not manly tovide!!! thebreadofanxioustoil;for show weakness! IN OUR \'BROKENNESS ANDhe gives to his beloved sleep! OUR CHURCHES OFTEN DONT KNOW WHAT TOSIN,thisGod-givenwiringWhen we take the sole respon-DO WITH "THE WEIGHT MEN CARRY!"Too often,can become so complex wheresibilityofleading,providing, they berate men for their failures without pointingwe feel like we have to becomeandworkinguponourselves, them to the tangible resources that will help themnotonlyourownsaviorbutwetendtobecomeslavesto grow, WHILE MEN "PRETEND LIKE the inadequa- thesaviorofthepeoplewhoourwork!!THEANXIETY cies they feel either dont exist or shouldnt be talk- rely on us as well!WHEN WETHIS PRODUCES destroys our ed about in polite company!The grace the ChurchDO THIS, we take a responsi- sleep!!!talks about often fades from view and men replacebility upon ourselves that onlyHOWEVER,WHATDOES it with heavy weights that sink them deeper intoGodcanfulfill!WEWEARGODGIVETOTHOSEWHO the abyss!! OURSELVESDOWNANDDON\'T VAINLY TOIL DAY AND IFYOUAREAMANWHOSTRUGGLESINexhaustthepeoplearoundNIGHTWITHANANXIOUS SILENCE,TURNTOTHEPSALMS!Inthem,us!! SPIRIT?SLEEP!!YOUFINDSTRONGMENREVEALINGTHEIRPSALM 127 DOES NOT call WEAKNESSES AND SHOWING YOU WHERE YOUustoaletgoandletGodLawrence Powell WHENWEENTRUSTOUR CAN TURN TO FOR HELP!!!approach to life, but rather toWORKANDOURPROVISION anappropriateunderstandingTOTHELORD,WECAN THERE ARE THREE PSALMS IN PARTICULARof Gods work and our own!!WE WORK, BUT weLIEDOWNATNIGHTAND"SLEEPSOUNDLY" THATGIVEYOUGRACEFORTHEDIFFICULTrealize our work accomplishes nothing if the LordKNOWINGTHATGODWORKSEVENWHENWE SITUATIONS YOU FACE. DON\'T!!!2 JULY 2021 BOCNEWS.com'