b'HEALTH learn more in our video at Pandemic Crisis bocnews.com"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:1By Byron E. Conner, MDW e are living in the midst of tur-bulent times. We are in the midst of war, trouble, turmoil violence, and disease.Wearelivinginthemidst ofsomething,wemayofthoughtwe wouldneverhavetocontendwith. That is a terrible onslaught of a dis-ease plague that has ravaged the world relentlessly and mercilessly.Total deaths: 244, 169(since onset in 2019) in USTotal cases: 10,707,397 (since onset in 2019) in US Dr. ConnerThe toll mounts up annually. This is caused by a novelmicroscopic organ-ism seen most clearly with an electronthan trivial infection. It requires medi-microscope. This organism designatedcalattention,ifyouthinkyouhave (coronavirus) was first noted in Chinabeen exposed to it. As noted above, too in 2019, and since has spread essen- many people have died from it.tially worldwide. You need to be informed that there is Itisworseinsomecountriesthana vaccine for Covid-19 or Coronavirus others.Actually,inChina,thetollinfection.Itmaynotbeavailablefor ismuchlessthaninourcountryitseveralmonths.Pleaseinquireabout dependsonlifestyleandhabits.Thethis.following habits are noted to be exac-erbating for the spread of this virus:May God bless you and keep you. Inattention to hand washing Attending crowded gatherings with lots of human contact such as in parties, bars, restaurants, crowd-ed churches Attending crowdedFailure to use as medically direct-ed:anoseandmouthcoveringgatherings withsuch as a cloth mask readily pur-chasableinalocalpharmacy,orlots of human store with pharmacy supplies Avoidingmedicalattentionifyoucontact such as are ill with cough, sneezing, trou-ble breathing or loss of smell (asin parties, bars, the latter may be the first sign of coronavirus, (or so-called Covid-19restaurants, crowded infection).We all need to be aware that there ischurches is known a blood test for coronavirus or (Covid-19infection).Itmaytakeavariableto exacerbate the amount of time to get the results of the blood test. You can find this out whenspread of COVID-19you get the test.We need to be aware of the fact that Coronaviruscanbeadeadly,rather BODY OF CHRIST NEWS DECEMBER 2020 7'