b'END TIMESJesus is Coming SoonBy Michael Forti rightsareslowlybeingtakenawaythem a powerful delusion so that they so that the righteous, who know thewill believe the lie, and so all will be truth will be silenced. Guns will sooncondemned who have not believed in T he far left will stop at nothing whenbetakenwhilewindowsarebrokenthe truth, but have delighted in wick-itcomestogainingtotalcontrol.out and businesses are burned to theedness.Isn\'titablessingthattrue ThepersecutionofChristiansisonground.believerscanseethis,watchingthe the rise, as the far left closes churchesPeople need to realize that we are atrebelliousstumblingintotheditch inCaliforniayetkeepsstripclubsWAR, with a Biblical end times pesti- that they dug for others to fall into?open (Main Stream News Reports). Ourlence. THERE WILL BE CASUALTIES!No question, the conservative news What\'sthebestsolu- anchorsalongwithtrueChristians tion?Lockdownthecanclearlyseewhatiscomingand economyfor6weeks,whatthefarleftisplanningtodo. stay at home, hide in aUnfortunately,mostbiblicallyuned-bunker, starve to death,ucateddemocratsarefallingright letourbusinessesgointothefarleftseviltrap.Theywill broke,keepourkidsbethefirsttoreceivethemarkof outofschool,nottothebeast,andtheywillbeonthe mentiondepletingourfront lines persecuting Christians who SS and our unemploy- refuse to comply. God is now sending ment benefits?Michael Forti a powerful delusion to those who hate Let\'sjusttakeoutChristians. another2TrillionandJesustaughtthattrueChristians addittothenation\'sthe far left politics, which is being con- willbepersecuted,especiallyinthe creditcard.WEAREtrolled by Satan. The left doesn\'t readvery last days. It\'s that lying, jealous, ATWARwithnotonlynorrespecttheWordofGod,there- hypocritical,deceiving,greedy,ruth-thisdisease,butwithfore, they are driving themselves overless,rottenspiritofJezebelthatis acliff,thusdraggingalonganyoneleading the political pack with all kinds who will follow them. They will end upof hidden lies and agendas. She even crucifyinganyonewhoopposestheirhas much of the main stream church plan.Godisnowturningthemoverin her evil back pocket. The left can\'t It\'s that lying, jealous, hypocritical, deceiving, greedy,to a depraved mind. The age of gracestand true Christians because they are is about up. People wonder, "What aregetting in the way of their future plans ruthless, rotten spirit of Jezebel that is leading thethesepeoplethinking,andwhatareandprogress.Thiswillbethetime political pack with all kinds of hidden lies and agendas. they trying to do?" when a true separation of Christians 2Thessalonians2:11teachesthatContinued on Page 10intheverylastdays,Godwillsend SERMONIn God We TrustBy Rev. Dr. PM Wyn WelosttwoCivilRightsLeaders-ofGeorgeFloydwouldchangethisof all storms we stop and say, I dont HonorableJohnLewis&Honorablenation!Deeprootedhatewouldriseunderstandwhythisishappening, ElijahCummings.Justtomentionaagain.MillennialstookbutItrustyouGod. T he tragic death of Kobe Bryant, hisfew; David Dinkins, first Black mayorthechargetoprotestWhen trouble rises, we daughter and friends who all diedof New York, Chadwick Boseman (bet- thesenselesskill- tend to pray more and inthehelicopterride,setthestageterknownastheBlackPanther),ingofmostlyBlackread Gods Word more. for2020.ThenationquietlymovedLittleRichard,BillWithersandsomales, and some BlackTroubleshouldnotbe slowly into one of historys worst pan- manymorenationally.Righthereinfemales,bythehandstheonlytimeorrea-demic.Citieshadtoclose,businessColorado we loss Pastor Josiah Martin,of police. So sad to say,son to pray more. Gods hadtoclosetheirdoors,manypeo- Elder Hastings, Bishop Dunn, Motherthepresidentofthisgoodness,grace,and plelosttheirjobs,andevictionsforWashington, Bishop Porter and many,nationwasandstillismercy should. many.Peoplestarteddroppingdeadmany more. encouragingviolence.Nomatterwhatwe all over the world from COVID-19. AllGilScottHeronsaiditbestinhisAfricanAmericansaregothroughGodholds of us experience the loss of love onessong; the revolution will not be tele- notlookingforhand- tomorrow in His hand. & friends, - we could not attend theirvised outsbutequality.TheItrustinGodduring funeral. yearcomestoanendthesetryingtimedo I Cant Breathe. the final wordswith a record number ofyou,TrustInGodor people voting for changejustsayyoutrustin like none other. God?God has given us Psalms(33:16-17)the best defense for any offeredasimilarremindertothesituation, prayer It has brought our Israelites. The foundation of life is theparents, grandparents and us through Lord., not the size or strength of some- many storms in the past and trusting So sad to say, that the president of thisone else defenses, or leader, or money.inGodwillbringusthroughmany The point of Psalm 33 is not to dimin- moreupsanddowns.Doyoutrust nation was and still is encouraging violence.ish the need for either a strong defenseHim? I do! God is the only solution.or a stable income, but to urge people toplacetheirultimateconfidencein African Americans are not looking forthe Lord (33:18-22) PMWynnGrove&PastorsLee W. Grove Jr., are the Founders of handouts but equality. The world we once knew had change.Heavenly Sent Ministries. We want No church with others, (the church isto remind you to vote in November! always within you) no dining out, noPleaserememberwhatGodhas meetings,noshoppingetc.Thepur- called us to do as Believers when we poses of God cannot be stopped, often- vote!PM can be reached by email; times God gains our attention when hepmwynn9@msn.comturns things upside down. In the mist 2 DECEMBER 2020 BOCNEWS.com'