b'OPINIONCOUNTER-POINTThe Election is Over, God Has ChosenBy Sheila Smith back in February but didn\'t want toHouseRepresentativeStaceyAbrams alarm people - which brings the cur- wholostherbidforthegovernor rent total deaths of people who haveofGeorgiaduringthe2018election Ifathom how people can be sodied from COVID-19 to 256,000 andby55,000votestoRepublicanBrian can\'t ignorant.Especiallyinacountrystill climbing. Kemp,where democracy rules and the peopleAnd.Ilovethisone.HesaidSo,sheturnedthataroundinthe have right and freedom to choose theirhehasdonemorefortheAfrican2020electionandhelpedempower President / Commander-in-Chief. Americansthananyotherpresidentand educate voters to go out and vote. Unfortunately,Trumpdoesn\'texcept Abraham Lincoln. Her push made a difference in getting understandhowDemocracyworks.Well good old Abe was just doing his800,000voterstoturnthestateof At the time of this writting Trump haspolitical duty in making a power moveGeorgia blue in voting for Joe Biden. A lost the elextion. He has yet to concedeto take over the Confederate states topredominantly red state that had only and or follow the protocol and laws putbe part of the Union and be known inturned blue when electing Bill Clinton inplacebytheU.S.Constitutiontohistory that he united the country. backin1992andJimmyCarterin help facilitate a smooth transition of1980. power. What\'s even more insane andAnyway, I don\'t need to go on rehash- Abrams purpose was bigger than get-ridiculousisthathissupportersgoing these horrific past four years. Godting 55,000 votes to become governor along with it.has chosen. two years ago. God had bigger plans Too many things have gone wrong inTrump continues to jeopardize ourforheratthistimetolead800,000 this country that it made you shout upSheila Smith national security. Even national secu- people to vote. See how God works.to the heavens - Help us Jesus. Andrity advisors have said it is dangerousGod has chosen. Please don\'t get me God did send us help. But I am baffledputting our national security at a riskwrong. Everyone has the right to vote athowso-calledChristianministersthis country after serving as vice-pres- by not transitioning power and infor- for who they want in this country.The andprophetsaresayingthatGodident under President Barrack Obama. mation over to the president-elect. last election, I admit that I didn\'t care chose Trump to be re-elected. BidenwonbecausehereceivedInstead, Trump fired his third nation- for Hillary Clinton or Trump.It was a BignameevangelistslikePat57percentofthewomen\'svotesinalsecurityadvisorJohnR.Bottomdifficult choice to vote or not to vote.Roberson, Paula White, Robert Jeffressthiscountry.HewonbecauseBlackbecause he didn\'t like what the manHowever,letmereiteratethatwe and others (black and white) who haveAmericanscarriedhimtovictoryinhad to say.have seen this president in action for television ministries or broadcast ser- such a crucial election. We don\'t elect dictators. I have morethe last four years - it has been noth-monsonsocialmedia,shoutedfromBidencommented,"TheAfricanrespect for Ronald Reagan, George Hing short of what I compare to a disas-the rooftops about Trump\'s comebackAmericancommunitystoodupagainW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bushtrous train wreck.and re-elect for me. You\'ve always had my back." and Barrack Obama who all graciously WelltheBibledoesspeakoffalsetransitionedpowertothenextpresi- Yet, Trump has the audacity to not prophets.OneChristianleaderinIt\'s just sad to me that Republicansdentthatwaselectedbythepeopleonly in good faith concede but spends North Carolina boldly predicted a winandamajorityofTrumpsupportersand for the people. his time out on the golf course playing for Trump and voter corruption wouldcan\'t see Trump for who he is. Theygolf.His team of lawyers keep going to beexposedandsaid,"GodHatescriticize Biden on past actions insteadAsamatteroffact,Formercourts to try to overturn the election Biden\'spolicies"andanyDemocratof looking at the future integrity andRepublican President George W. Bushresults and judges keep throwing the who mocks his prophecy will face pun- economic well-being of this country. called Joe Biden to congratulate himcase out.ishment for eternity. Linda Waller Short wrote a commen- on his win.The Republican presidentTrump supporters still march out in tary in the Body of Christ Newspapersaid, "Though we have political differ- front of the White House.Idon\'tliketocurse,but,"I\'llbementioningallofBiden\'sfaultsandences, I know Joe Biden to be a good damned." I was raised in the churchquestionableactionsbyhisson,man,whohaswonthisopportunityThis is so embarrassing for the coun-to know God is a loving God. I didn\'tHunter Biden. She even quoted Amosto lead and unify our country." Again,try.realizeatthispointinmylifethat3:3,"Cantwowalktogether,exceptGod has chosen. He calls Republican elected officials God turned hateful and punished any- they be agreed?" Another example during this unset- andso-calledChristianleadersfrom one who supported President-elect JoetlingcrazyelectionisrememberGodMichigan to come to the White House Bidden. Now let\'s see.Over the four years inis always in control. When you thinkfor a meeting to help him overturn the Lordhelpme.Anddon\'tgetmeoffice, Trump has fired so many peopleGod has forgotten you, he shows youelection. startedontheAfricanEvangelicalinhisadministration.LindaWalleryour purpose.leaders in the U.S. and abroad who areShort then commented on the "liberal"Again,embarrassingandkindof devoutTrumpsupporters.TrumpismedianotreportinginformationonKudos goes to former Georgia StateContinued on Page 15like a polarizing figure to those AfricanBiden as to not make him look bad.countries like Nigeria and Kenya.I think it is a well-known fact that Howsoonweforget.Wasn\'titinTrump makes himself look bad.And January 2018, Donald Trump, a lead- theso-called"liberal"mediajust erofapowerfulworldcountry,wasenjoys talking about him. He has had heard and seen saying that Haiti andanaffairwithapornstarthatwasWe don\'t elect dictators. I have more otherAfricancountrieswere"S"highlypublicizedandshereceiveda countriesandtheU.S.neededmorefair amount of money in a settlement. respect for Ronald Reagan, George H people from countries like Norway? Hesayswhitesupremacistgroups Tomeit\'sthesameanalogyinare quote "good people." He walks inW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush today\'smoderntimescomparedtofront of a church in Washington D.C whentheEgyptianPharaoh,Kingholding a Bible just for a photo oppor- and Barrack Obama who all graciously Rameses II battled Moses in letting thetunity.Hebrews be free from their bondage ofTrump separates babies and youngtransitioned power to the next president slavery.EvenafterGodsentplagueschildrenfromtheirparentsbecause and diseases, the Pharaoh would nottheyareillegalimmigrantswhoarethat was elected by the people andconcede and look what happened. Wesent back to Mexico. To this day, no all know the story. thepeopleofone knows where many of these chil- for the people.Godhaschosendren are who were not reunited with Colorado and other states that turnedtheir parents.blue came out in great support of JoeHe claimed to know about the dan-Biden. Biden has experience runninggers of the COVID-19 virus spreading BODY OF CHRIST NEWS DECEMBER 2020 11'