b'OPINIONPOINTWe Were TrickedButofcourse,theDemocratsdidntwantustoitwassuspectedtobeinthedeceasedsystem,it By Linda Waller Short, Activist know that. They counted on our ignorance and ourdidntevenhavetobethecauseofdeath,justif aversion to research. The liberals want us to believeyou think its there, add it. Add it even if there are W elaughed,cried,shouted,gavethanksandTrump is Satan incarnate, andno official medical personnel to called for unity because it was a new day. Wethat the world is in a precariouscorroborateitspresence.This had no idea what we had just been made a part of.terrible state all due to him. Itmeantanunheard-ofnumber We were tricked and done in by our own ignorance.wasthisplanthatwouldgetofdeathsreportedasCOVID Tricked into thinking we were doing a great thing bytheir candidate in office. Many,deaths which would make the prospectively putting a passionate segregationist inblacks werent even aware anddeath numbers spiral upwards. the white house. The media made us believe he wasstill are not aware of the thingsIts strange that almost imme-a harmless, docile, almost forgetful man. They neverthatTrumpdidfortheblackdiately after the election, people asked him questions about his past not once in acommunity.Themediasim- gatheredtocelebrateBidens debate.ply refused to report it, whichwin with no masks, and no con-But in reality, Biden is anything but docile. Now wedoesntmeanitwasnttrue,cern for COVID? see that the media didnt show us how he convincedbut it did mean that it did notFor days there were no reports other legislators to join him into upholding segrega- fit in with their agenda whichon COVID, no death numbers, tion and defy bussing; they didnt show us how henotsurprisinglytheyarepaidnothing.Chinaevenreported braggedoninterviewsaboutwritingthe3strikesto uphold. a vaccine that they were going law,alsocalledtheBidencrimebill.TheyneverThankfully,onceblacksto start giving to their military questioned him about saying he didnt want his kidsfound out the truth, their eyesthe day Biden was dubbed the to go to school in the jungle, calling us thugs, andwerequicklyopened.ItwasprojectedwinnerbytheNews predators,orhisdearrelationshipwithaformerthen easy to see the machina- Media.Nextthingyouknow, KKK leader/recruiter.tionsofthisdeplorablepartyTrump refuses to concede and He was never asked, and they hid it, because theyand at what lengths they wouldwonderofwonders,COVIDis wanted Black people to think he was on their side.goto,togetthismanoutofLinda Short backinthenews.Thedeath Just like they never mentioned all the many thingsoffice.Not because he was thisrateclimbingincrediblyhigh. Trump did for the black community, because theybad racist, white supremacist,The 300k+ death toll the media wanted blacks to hate him and they do. We didntbut because he could not be bought, they could notlikes to throw out is most likely fabricated because know at the time that Biden is a very shrewd mancontrolhim.HedidntselloutAmericatoforeigneven the CDC cautions us to be wary of numbers and had been in the political game a very, very longinterests. He stood up to China, N. Korea, broughtadvertised due to the fact that it takes, weeks and timehesacareerpoliticianthataccordingtohispeacetothemiddleeastandmessedwiththeirmonths to come up with those numbers, and more record has proven no love for blacks, and actuallydreams of a socialist society, and maybe most impor- than likely the actual numbers wont be known for a quite the contrary.tant of all he professed a belief in God.To get thisyear. Yet the news media has what the CDC doesnt? man out of the oval officeUnlikely. they planned to use twoInshort,wemusteducateourselves.Whenour thingsthatwillalwaysancestors were poor sharecroppers who were being get the black vote with- cheated it was because they didnt know better, many outquestion:Perceivedcouldnt read or write, and we were taken advantage inequalityandfear.Weof.We cannot afford to be ignorant we must study saw the racist part start- unbiased sources stay away from opinions and only ing with the BLM move-They never questioned him about saying hement,andANTIFA,theexcept facts. riots,anddestructionThis is something we did not do as a race and as a didnt want his kids to go to school in theofsmallbusinessandwhole this election, and we hurt ourselves and may homes.Thefearparthave sealed our fate hurling ourselves several steps jungle, calling us thugs, and predators. was COVID.backwards.Wemuststoprelyingonourscreens TheCDCgavedirec- totellusthetruth.Please,byallmeanslookup tionstohealthagen- everything I have shared in this article. Find out for ciestoaddCOVIDtoyourself the truth, and do it every time you have a line4onthebackofquestion. Otherwise, as the 2020 election may have alldeathcertificatesifproved, we will become our own worst enemy and that is nothing to celebrate.CORRECTIONSFORTI . continued from page 2From Bishopwill take place. Some will take a standthey will find themselves standing inple. Today, His faithful are clearing out for truth while others will be runningline with the goats. The Lord gives allthe swamp! God will prevail!Porter Obit,for cover. Soon, the coliseums willbetruebelieversAWESOMEencourage- Justkeepthisinmind,Jesusdid filledwithpeoplewhowillbeenter- mentandcompleteinstructionsfornot have to serve two terms in order to Nov. Edition tained as Christians are being burnedend time battle! yourheadinallget things done. He accomplished what at the stake."Butyou,keepneededtobedoneinjustoneterm. This left sided world has a plan tosituations,endurehardship,dotheDon\'tunderestimatetheAWESOME destroyourfreedomofspeech,theworkofanevangelist,dischargeallPOWER of ALMIGHTY GOD! He is light Gabriel Hatcherrighttobeararms,andtherighttothe duties of your ministry. For I amyearsaheadofthisrebelliousworld. is not a birth son.read our Bible\'s. They have drifted soalready being poured out like a drinkLet\'s give this lost world the truth of farintotherealmofhate,thattheyoffering, and the time has come for myJesus, and then leave room for God\'s (Bishop Porterhave lost any ability to see that Doomsdeparture. I have fought the good fight,WRATH. had a host ofDay is coming. They have no respectI have finished the race, I have kept theYes,manyaretotallyheartbroken for true Godly authority as they havefaith. Now there is in store for me the spiritual sons &madeSatantheirgodwithoutevenCROWNofrighteousness,whichthetodaytoseeathrivinglife,econo-my,leadershipandGodlinessbeing daughters) knowing it. Lord, the righteous Judge will awardcheated and threatened by Satan\'s evil However, there is HOPE in Christ! Asto me on that day- and not only to me,schemes.Thatsexactalywhathap-Bishop was pre- the earth starts to shake, as the aster- but also to ALL who have LONGED andpened2000yearsago.Jesuscame oids continue to fly by, and the oceanswho have LOVED His appearing"(2Timupon a beaten down society and gave ceded in deathdevourthelands,truebornagain4:5-8 NIV84-KJV). The Lord does notthemlove,hope,andthefreedomto by his siblings:believers in Jesus Christ will be seeingwant true believers to come unglued,see the truth. Then it was shattered! the Day Approaching. They will realizeworrying about the future. "For He hasWas it over?! No! God was just getting Geraldine Meeks,a set day when He will judge the world that this anti of Christ society will soonstarted! Thomas Porter &burn, along with its new world order.with justice"(Acts 17:31 NIV).Untilnexttime,JesusisComing Russell Porter. ThelukewarmchurcheswhoareThis political battle is not over yet.soon!Areyougoingtobeready,or prayingforworldpeacewillsoonbeJesus went into the temple, chased outcaught up with politics?spitoutofthemouthofJesus,andtherebellious,andcleansedtheTem-10 DECEMBER 2020 BOCNEWS.com'