Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 247 APRIL 2017 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS The teaching Ministry of Rev. Dr. Ade Ajala has been instrumental to my growth as a believer. I became born again in 1993 and have been active in church ever since then, however, my understanding of the word has not only grown immensely since being under Dr. Ade’s teaching, my ability to explain the word has changed forever. Pastor Ade uses normal daily examples, in ways nobody else does, to bring the word to life. These illustrations are indelible and make it easy to understand the scripture and live a Christ centered life-style. The most memorable teaching that I heard recently was on the fruit of the Spirit. Pastor Ade used examples of how vitamin deficiencies in the body leading to overall fatigue could be likened to how a loss of one of the 9 fruit of the Spirit could lead to not living a Spirit filled life. His parting words on that message was that just as you may need more vitamin D if you realize that is the problem, so also one could ask God for more love, or more joy or more long suffering, if one knows that part of the fruit of the Spirit is lacking. Very profound words, very living words taught by Rev. Dr. Ade Ajala. Response to Hate Mail After the small piece published in The BOC News last month, after a tele- phone interview with Randy, I received several envelopes from individuals who were either afraid or embarrassed to include a return address on the mail- ing. The verbiage that was included, unfortunately, was less than stellar. There were words placed consecutively in sentences that I heretofore, didn't know could be used together. The pet- ulance and child like vernacular was at best, laughable. The envelopes contained various clip- pings from biased MSM publications. Interestingly, many provided the same writings, either through a planned conspiratorial process, or groupthink, or perhaps a lack of information, or no desire to do individual research. Additionally, not one included a note with contact information; to discuss their opinion or lack thereof, as they only sent parts of various news clip- pings. The only conclusion that can be inferred is those individuals have no interest and/or ability to discuss opin- ions, intelligently, which differ from their apparent arcane views. With that said, I submit the following. What I have observed from President Trump during his first 70+ days in office is merely someone trying to keep his campaign promises. Period. What I have observed from Democrats, predictably, is not resis- tance or even obstruction. It is a level of toxic hatred and mordant and vit- riolic venom unlike anything I've seen in my lifetime. This has ceased to be political resistance and is more akin to civil war. America witnessed the post-election histrionic meltdown of Democrats with fascination and disgust. The anar- chistic brigades of vagina-clad Femi Nazis cheering on Madonna's wishes to "blow up" the White House, while bands of Liberal marauders broke win- dows, assaulted patrons, and set other people's possessions on fire, reminded us that the Party of "tolerance" was anything but. If Donald Trump delivers on a modi- cum of his promises, America will likely, and with great delight, reject the half of the country acting like angry, sugar-fueled adolescents. If he doesn't perform and keep his prom- ises, America will "vote for change" (again) and we will likely get an Obama or Hillary facsimile in charge once again. And so, the worm turns. I take heart and delight in the simple fact that Trump has only been in office for approximately 75 days, and the howling and derision and criticism is at an almost unprecedented fever- ish pitch. To me, that is what we'd expect from an unorthodox President who arrives in Washington and doesn't immediately fall under its spell, but rather quickly acts to break and van- quish the status quo! It's a 4-quarter game, and we're but minutes into the first quarter. If our President can overcome our nation's fixation and preoccupation with the "immediate;" then perhaps he can focus on the "necessarily urgent" and get this country moving in the right direction again. God knows that eight- years of leaning Left has nearly cap- sized this once, and soon to be again, great vessel. I did not vote for Obama, simply because I disagreed with his policies. I supported him as president because I respect the office of the president! Game ON, Mr. President! Good for- tune and God speed! We are behind you 100%! Dr. Nathan L. O'Neal LETTER TO THE EDITOR By Dr. Nathan L. O'Neal It's a 4-quarter game, and we're but minutes into the first.