Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 247 DECEMBER 2016 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS The Power Of Commitment "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophe- sied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out dev- ils? Also, in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity." — Matthew 7:21-23 Is it possible to cast out demons but never know Jesus? Is it possible to heal the sick but never know Jesus? Is it possible that a person cast out demons, heal the sick, and even to prophesy and has never known Jesus? Jesus said that it is possible, because when you use the name of Jesus and when you use the word of God they work miracles; it is even more so that evil doers use it. Because His name and His Word always works, I have seen pastors living in full sin and tremendous miracles occur, miracles do not determine that a man is holy, what determines that a man is Holy is your fruit and your character. How is his family, how is the life of this man, what is his testimony with the outside and the inside There is a key word that Jesus said: I never knew you who practice iniquity, the word comes to signify rebellious people, Jesus said you rebels I never knew you. Those people are lost forever, but, you and I are not going to be in that group. How to know if it is possible to live in sin and prophesy? We come to Church not to play, but we come to Church to be transformed. He said, I never knew you rebels, why? Because they did what they wanted, when they wanted to, and how they wanted to. Jesus said I was never your Lord; if I had been your Lord you would have done my will. How do we know that Christ is our Lord? Signs that define the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives. Jesus is my Lord when I obey the impulses of the Holy Spirit without meditating and arguing what He has asked me to do. Have you felt something inside and asked for 200 confirmations? Jesus is my Lord, when God puts something in my heart, I do not argue with Him, I don't fight it, I don’t seek 30 confirmations to obey, and I obey immediately. Have you ever once felt the impulse to speak to someone about Jesus? And you ask, “Lord but I need the pastor to confirm it. Then on Sunday, when you return the next week that person died in an accident. Don’t you know that an impulse of the Spirit, when you obey the Spirit could be a matter of life or death, or it can take you to your next mission that God has for you. But many of us are thinking and arguing with God, saying confirm it Lord. If you're in this condi- tion, Jesus is not your Lord, because when He is your Lord, you’ll say, Lord I am your servant, I will listen and I will obey, just tell me what I need to do. Christ is your Lord when those impulses come, your perceive something, you hear something, feel some- thing, and then you’ll know that it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you. Christ is not going to do anything with people who do not take the risk, or awaiting a confirmation of the confirmation, you have to take the risk. If Jesus is your Lord take a step of faith, yes, take a step of faith! If the Holy Spirit speaks to you go and do it! Don't wait for the next con- firmation because meanwhile someone could go to hell, and you did nothing to speak to them of Christ. Jesus is my Lord, when I am committed to doing his will in my life before I know what He wants from me. God did not choose me because I am the most intel- ligent, having a PhD, or have a Masters Degree. He chose me because I was willing and avail- able. If you're not committed to Jesus prior to knowing His will, then he is not your Lord. If you're not committed, Jesus says: I am your Lord before you even know what it is I want from you, then you're commit- ted, you'll never be happy outside of the will of God. Jesus is my Lord when I am available to serve Him, no matter the time, space, place, or circumstances. One of the biggest problems I believe God has placed me to bring this message is because thou- sands of believers escape and run from serving God. If you have done that, repent today! Because God confides in you, we are a people bought with the blood of Jesus. I know that there are men and women who have gone through major problems, but have served God faithfully, and this is the generation people that we are looking for, this is the generation that we must raise, a generation serving God even in the midst of trials, tribulation and problems, if you are waiting to not have problems to serve God, my friend that does not exist! Always you’re going to have circumstances, trails that will prove your commitment to Christ as Lord of your life. Many faithful Christians are the example of what a true commitment is to the Lord Jesus Christ. The benefit and blessing that God provides, supplies your needs. You can have peace in the midst of the storm; see His mighty hand working in your circum- stances. He takes care of you from top to bottom. You can rejoice and say: Lord, I am committed to you, in the middle of the the storm, in the middle of the desert, in the midst of persecution I serve you, I'm not going to resign, I’ll not fall back, I'll serve you, Jesus Christ my Lord and the devil is a liar. Jesus is my Lord when pleasing Him exceeds my desire to please others. Many are so worried about their families, jobs, positions in life... until your heart's desire is to please the Lord more than these other things. I'm not saying that you need to dishonor to your parents, family. It’s that your desire to please the Lord needs to be above all things. We need to be that generation that says I'm going to please God, honestly how many have that desire to please God above all things? Why Brethren? Not only because He is faithful. When you please men you'll have the reward from men, when you please God will have a reward from God. It is impossible, as Christians to not be politically correct. Sometimes you're going to offend people, but you're going to please God. When I go to bed at night I have this question in my heart, does my desire exceed to please God or to please men? The day that your compro- mise the anointing to have the honor of men, the prestige of the people you're not going to have an anointing, if you have the anointing you will have glory, you will have God’s favor, His provision, you’ll have everything you need, church do not change the anointing! Jesus is my Lord when I rec- ognize that He is the total and absolute Lord of my life includ- ing my material possessions. Many of you say: I love Jesus; I serve Jesus, but do not touch my wallet. Pastors say that is the last thing that becomes a Christian, our wallets. Jesus is my Lord when I recognize Him to be the only resource to supply all my needs and desires. The only resource that supplies all your needs is the Lord Jesus, there so many people who becomes bitter, when they lose their job, when the business goes wrong, because their source for their needs was the business, was their job. Praise God for your job, your thriving business, but remember your only resource is Jesus Christ the Lord. Jesus is my Lord when I turn my difficulties and failures so that they are an opportunity for spiritual growth. Jesus is my Lord knowing him intimately becomes the obsession of my life. Jesus is my Lord when I am available to Him, even when it is not convenient, neither profitable nor comfortable. Jesus is my Lord when I obey Him even if I do not understand what He asks of me. I want to tell you today, Christ is your Lord with a job or with out job, with a business or no business, scripture reads, I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from where does my help come from? My help comes from Lord that made the heavens and the Earth, Jesus is my Lord! Jesus is my only source of provision and it doesn’t matter that the Devil gets mad the devil gets angry, Jesus is my source! I want to give a Word to every one of you, who are fighting, that are struggling, you've been distressed and you've been in trouble, look up, look unto the hills, from whence cometh your help. God brought you to this point in your life, not to die in the desert, but to become victorious in all things. Because He is the source! I want to encourage your to commit your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Edward Jaramillo By Senior Pastor Edward Jaramillo Health Insurance – Easier Than You Think Health insurance is easier to buy and often more affordable than it seems. Too many of us leave our fam- ily budget and our personal health at risk assuming we cannot afford to buy health insurance. Connect for Health Colorado® is con- necting thousands of families and indi- viduals to affordable, quality health insurance. For many women and men, with the financial assistance created under the Affordable Care Act — better known as “Obamacare” — the cost is under $100 a month. The election should not affect your decision now. Changes to the law will take time, maybe years, so you should choose your 2017 coverage now. The expansion of health insurance coverage is having a powerful impact in the African American community. Three years ago in Colorado, 22 per- cent of African Americans were without coverage. Now the number is 13 percent. As good as that progress is, we can still do a lot bet- ter. The overall uninsured rate is 6.7 percent. We know that health insurance is complicated. The Connectforhealthco. com web site can help you find a Broker or an Assister trained to help you find the coverage that is right for your needs and for your budget. You pay nothing extra for their help. But it’s time to act now. You have to pick your cov- erage for 2017 by Dec. 15, 2016. Kevin Patterson is the Chief Executive Officer for Connect for Health Colorado. By Kevin Patterson SERMON Pastor Edward Jaramillo is Founder and Senior Pastor of Templo Emmanuel, Centro Cristiano de Alabanza in Denver, CO.