b'JANUARY 2024many of us who are walking around with the samemay not consider anger to be a sin but it doesnt say ideologicalpatterns.Toomanyofusbelievethatanger is healthy either. All emotional states other than hostilebehaviorledbyouremotionalrightsispeace or joy indicate in imbalance or disharmonious avalidresponsewhenwebelievethatwehaveconditioninourenergy.Allstatesofenergythat beenwronged.Wejustifyandrationalizeangerreflectdisharmonycauseharmtoselfandcreate andwrathwhichpromotesaggressivebehaviorpotentialharmtoothers.Nobodyhastherightto andviciousness.Webecomethecarriersofthisbeemotionallydisturbed.Ifthatsnottrue,then invalidmentalandemotionalequation,andwewho gave us the right to do harm to self or others?transferittoourchildren,ourfamilymembers, andmembersofourcommunity.ButthatsnotFor example, if you are excited because you met a whowearesoWEhavetochangethenarrative. person that you are interested in dating, that energy, feeling or emotional state is going to motivate you Thegoalhereisnottoblamebuttodiagnose.todostufflikebuyflowers,openthecardoors, Draymond or Tyrone (from the movie They Clonedandholdhands.Hereistheproblem;onedaythat Tyrone) did not invent the disease, but they representenergy will not be there.It wont be there because asthecarriersbecausetheyidentifywiththeit is not sustainable over time. So, when the energy wrong image and idea of self.All human beings aredissipates the question is how do you sustain love? limited in their ability to perform perfectly or evenMostpeoplecannotmaintaintheirrelationship sufficiently, and thats why we need Gods help. But, ifcommitmentsbecausetheyallowthesetemporary we do not know we have a disease or understand thefeelings to drive their intentions. As a result, most nature of the disease we have, we are at risk beingpeoplejustkeepmovingfromonepersontothe a harm to ourselves and spreading our toxicity tonext in hot pursuit of the next feeling which leaves others. Even worse, we institutionalize our toxicitybehind a trail of heartbreak. To this end, exercising by preserving its continuation (generational curses)ones emotional rights only promotes a false sense via maintaining our personal unhealthiness and thenofrealityandawholelotofpainandsuffering. transferring it to our families, our communities and then promoting it as a cultural tradition. We careDraymondisacarrierofdisorder.Whenanyofus more about containing the spread of COVID than weget nurtured in a pool of polluted water were going do about viruses in the soul (mind, will & emotion).to get sick. Until we detox, or until we do the work S o, because our human nature is limited, Godtofixourselvesweregoingtobethecarriersof disorderliness everywhere we go. So, even if Draymond shared withusadivinenature.Godcreatednever wins another NBA championship ring, I am happy usinGodsimageandlikeness.But,welosefor him because he has a greater opportunity to ignite sight of what God can do for us because wea revolution whose time is overdue. That revolution donotdefineourselvescorrectlyand wedonotis to become the conqueror and not the carrier of recognizeourlimitationsobjectively.Themakingemotionalism and aggression. With the platform that he of the slave and the destruction of classical Blackcurrently has to reach a critical mass of people, there culturearehistoricalcontributionsthatpromoteis a golden opportunity in front of us to see HEALTH win!andmaintainthetoxicpatternsinourpersonal lifestyleandourinstitutionalizeddisorderliness. The next time he gets wronged on National television, I would counsel him to laugh, smile, walk away and say, FACTS:whenaparentgetsangrybecauseofThank you God for giving me this opportunity to work something that the child has done, and they believeon my divinity!thatyelling,screaming,cursing,spanking,and hitting activity is justified, they are acting as the vehicle through which toxic behavior and tradition is being expressed. Too many parents try to justifyTHANK YOU GOD FOR angerandaggressiveresponsesbypointing-out the childs behavior which is wrong but what are we really teaching them? Were teaching them thatGIVING ME THIS emotionalism and aggression is justifiable. And, if thats true, why wouldnt Draymond think his anger and aggression is justified when he gets wronged? OPPORTUNITY TO WORKManyofuslookatDraymondsbehaviorand getdisgusted.But,wedothesamethingwhenON MY DIVINITY!werationalizeviolentbehaviorwithourprivate logic.Weaccepttheideathatangrybehavior isourrightoritsjustifiablewhenwevebeen disrespected,wronged,etc.Ephesians4:2627 Follow us on8'