b'JANUARY 2024rose again, we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep. Dr. AGNES MARTINSo, this holiday season, Pastor Anitha admits thatAgnes Martin was the epitome of a First Lady. She continuing to minister to those at her church on alost her husband, the late Dr. Paul Martin who was weekly basis gives her strength. I try to practice whatsenior pastor at Macedonia Baptist Church for 20 Gods word says, she states. I tell people to take God at his word. People need to not lean into the pain (ofyears.grief), instead lean into God, the light, the love, and laughter. Let your memories lead you into that joy. We had a good loving relationship for the Lord. I enjoyed being in Denver and being the first lady at Macedonia, she says as she now enjoys working with widows of ministers. Since my husband passed away, I enjoy my life to the fullest. God just lets me know he provides the love for me and is here for me.I love laughing, having fun and being in church.Pastor Dr. ODIE KENNEDYPastor Odie Kennedy of Unity Pentecostal Church of God and Christ located at 2428 Ogden St. in Denver, has alsoPastor ROSALYN REDWINEseen joy in her lifetime as well as the sorrow of losing a loved one. Her church is the Ministry Bible Church located at 8710 E. Colfax Ave in Denver.It is difficult. One thing that helped me during the Christmas time was when my husband and I always hadShe found a way to make it through the holidays dinner for our church. Then we would celebrate andduring tough times. Her husband Henry Butch share games. I have maintained that since my husbandRedwine passed back in July 2020.died. She said spending time with family helps. But she Her husband was the late Superintendent Lamardraws closer to the Lord by relying on the scriptures Kennedy who passed away on April 15, 2016. that help her get through each day. She refers to Psalm 27:1 - The Lord is my light and salvation.She is still able to get up in the morning and smile. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; She gets going knowing she continues her husbandsof whom shall I be afraid?legacy. I tell people all the time that the pain doesnt go away. God says He will heal and comfort the broken- I just lean on the scriptures and know God is my hearted. strength, she adds. If I had to give a young woman As Pastor Kennedy states, there is the Ministers Wivesor widow advice, it would be to lean on your family and Widows group and other womens organizationsand trust in the Lord more. As time passes, Pastor within the churches, but what is needed is to have aRosalyn Redwine says it gets a little easier after support/counseling group for widows. That would belosing a loved one, but you always have those most helpful during these times. There are a lot ofmemories.widows out there who arent doing well in coping with the loss of their husbands.Follow us on4'