b'BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAGAZINEAngelica Beechum died from a heart attack. Her When Grief Becomes mother credits her for living a Godly life and being a Godly woman.JOY IN THE MIDST OF SORROW There is destiny and purpose that God has for us all.Sometimes we dont see the plan that God has for us. But I would never think I would have joy in the midst of sorrow. Pastor CAROLYN J. BEECHUMThe House of Joy Miracle Deliverance Church isPastor ANITHA JONESlocated in the Park Hill Community, northside of Denver at 3082 Leyden Street. Losing a loved one is difficult for anyone. But when Pastor Carolyn J. Beechum has persevered after losingit is the first holiday season without that loved her husband and daughter. one makes it even harder. Pastor Anithas husband, the late Pastor Tom Jones, died Jan 31, 2023, from I believe God allows certain things to happen in ourprostate cancer.lives that are not always pleasant, but it teachesPastor Anitha Jones is pastor at For His Glory us to share and help someone else along the way,Christian Fellowship located at 14281 E. Exposition she expresses. I was not prepared to lose him (myin Aurora.husband). I thought I would receive a miracle.First of all, you have to have a relationship. It does notPastor Anitha says her husband was in remission take the pain away but things are so much easier iffor five years as he struggled with the illness until you had a relationship with that person. What I lovedGod called him home. I am trusting in God, and I am about my husband was he taught me real life, realdoing good. This is my first birthday without him. My love, and about the real world, she explained. Apostlefirst Christmas without him. First New Years without Ralph E. Beechum passed back on Jan 4, 2018. Wehim and it has been difficult, she explains.loved together, traveled together, ate together, andI navigate these times alone and appreciate myself fought together; we did it all and we did it together.alone. Pastor Anitha and Pastor Tom were married I am thankful that I married a man who loved andfor 49 years and started For His Glory Chrisitan served God. Fellowship. They celebrated having two daughters Later, the Lord called her daughter home as well. together along with his three daughters he had Angelica Beechum was a pastor at the church andpreviously before they were married.worked relentlessly behind the scenes making sureDuring this time, Pastor Anitha reflects on the the church ran smoothly. scripture and quotes, 1 Thessalonians 4:13: She brought more structure to our ministry throughBrothers and Sisters do not be uniformed about education and devotion. When she left, I was notthose who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve prepared for it. like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. The rest of the scripture mentions that as Jesus died and BOCNEWS.COM3'