b"GOD'S LAW OR MAN'S LAW? . continued from page 6purity.1 Timothy 5:1-2 in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. is served. We must also be willing to stand up No one hates his own flesh but rather nour- 1John 2:11 But whoever hates his brother isfor what is right and to challenge those who are ishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does thein the darkness and walks in the darkness, andnot acting in the best interest of others. We must church.Ephesians 5:29 does not know where he is going, because thebe willing to stand up for the truth and to be a Do not cast me aside in my old age; as mydarkness has blinded his eyes. voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. strength fails, do not forsake me.Psalm 71:9 Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his ownWe must be willing to fight for justice and to be image, in the image of God he created him; malea beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness.Do you not know that you are the temple ofand female he created them. Further, we must be willing to recognize our God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? Ifown privilege and use it to help those who are anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroyFinally, technology and morality is a topic thatlessfortunatethanus.Wemustbewillingto that person; for the temple of God, which youisoftendiscussedintermsofhowtechnologyuseourvoicestospeakupforthosewhoare are, is holy.1 Corinthians 3:16-17 can be used ethically and responsibly, especiallynotheardandtostandupforthosewhoare No one is master of the breath of life so aswiththeriseofartificialintelligence.Hereareoppressed. We must be willing to listen to those to retain it, and none has mastery of the day ofscripturesthatcanhelp:Daniel12:4ESVButwhohavedifferentperspectivesandtolearn death.Ecclesiastes 8:8 you,Daniel,shutupthewordsandsealthefromthem.Wemustbewillingtotakeaction Whoevertakesthelifeofanyhumanbeingbook, until the time of the end. Many shall runto create a more equitable and just society. We shall be put to death.Leviticus 24:17 to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. must be willing to put in the effort to understand 2Chronicles26:15InJerusalemhemadethe root causes of inequality and injustice and You shall not murder.Exodus 20:13 machines,inventedbyskillfulmen,tobeontoworktoaddressthem.Wemustbewilling Socialinequalityisamajorissueintoday'sthe towers and the corners, to shoot arrows andto challenge our own beliefs and biases and to society, and many people feel that it should begreat stones. And his fame spread far, for he wasmake sure that our actions are not perpetuat-addressedandrectified.Unfortunately,itisamarvelously helped, till he was strong. ing the systems of oppression that exist in our complexproblemthatcannotbesolvedover- Genesis 11:4-6 Then they said, Come, let ussociety. We must be willing to be uncomfortable night. In order to make progress, we must firstbuild ourselves a city and a tower with its top inand to take risks in order to make a difference. understand the root causes of social inequality.the heavens, and let us make a name for our- We must be willing to take responsibility for our Thesecanincludefactorssuchaseconomicselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of theactions and to be accountable for the impact that disparities,discrimination,andlackofaccesswhole earth. And the Lord came down to see thethey have on others.to resources. Once these underlying causes arecity and the tower, which the children of manTheBiblestimelesstruthsprovideamoral identified, we can begin to develop strategies tohad built. And the Lord said, Behold, they arecompass for todays society. Its stability of moral addressthem.Thiscouldinvolvethingssuchone people, and they have all one language, andvaluescanhelpguideusinmakingdecisions as increasing access to education, providing jobthis is only the beginning of what they will do.that are beneficial to our lives and the lives of training, and implementing policies that promoteAnd nothing that they propose to do will now bethosearoundus.Upholdingbiblicalmorality equality.impossible for them. is of utmost importance in today's society, as it Additionally, it is important to recognize thatIt is essential that we strive to uphold moralencourages us to treat others with respect and social inequality is not just a problem for thoseand biblical standards in order to ensure a safekindness, to be honest and trustworthy, and to who are disadvantaged, but also for those whoandprosperoussociety.Thismeansthatwepractice self-control and moderation. By follow-are privileged. We must all work together to cre- must be willing to take a stand against unethicaling these principles, we can create a society that ate a more equitable society where everyone hasbehavior,suchasdiscrimination,exploitation,is more peaceful, tolerant, and compassionate. the same opportunities and rights. The Bible tellssexual sin and corruption. We must be willing toAdditionally,upholdingbiblicalmoralitycan us: 1 Timothy 4:12 ESV Let no one despise youspeak out against those who violate the rights ofhelp us to make better decisions and to live a life for your youth, but set the believers an exampleothers, and to take action to ensure that justiceof purpose and meaning.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JULY 2023 follow us onfacebook 7"