b'SERMONGods Law or Mans Law?The Relevance of Biblical Morality for Contemporary CultureBy Hosea Cannon, Jr., MMin, DDiv society as a whole, and it is important to takehave the same rights and privileges as hetero-steps to prevent it from happening. sexualcouples,includingtherighttomarry. Opponentsofsame-sexmarriagearguethatit Contemporarymoralissuesarecomplexand I ntoday\'ssociety,itismoreimportantthanoftencontroversial.Abortion,same-sexmar- goes against traditional values, religious beliefs evertohaveastrongfoundationofbiblicalriage, euthanasia, social inequality, and technol- and nature. They also argue that allowing same-morality.Withtheever-changinglandscapeofogy and morality are all topics that are widelysex marriage could lead to the weakening of the our culture, it is essential to have a moral com- discussed and debated in today\'s society. Eachinstitution of marriage and the family unit. The pass that is rooted in the timeless truths of theof these topics has a varietydebateoversame-sexmar-Bible.Biblicalmoralityprovidesaframeworkof perspectives and opinionsriageisongoing,anditis for making decisions and living a life of integritythatarebasedonpersonallikelythatitwillcontinue and purpose. It also provides a sense of securitybeliefs and values. tobeacontroversialissue and stability in a world that is often chaotic andAbortionisacontroversialforsometime.GodsWord unpredictable.Byembracingbiblicalmorality,subject that is often seen asstates:1Corinthians6:9: we can make sure that our actions are in lineamoralissue.Somepeople"Or do you not know that the with God\'s will and that we are living a life thatbelievethatabortionshouldunrighteouswillnotinherit is pleasing to Him. be allowed in certain circum- the kingdom of God? Do not Moralityisanessentialpartoftoday\'ssoci- stances, while others believebe deceived; neither fornica-ety, as it helps us to make decisions that are inthatitiswrongandshouldtors, nor idolaters, nor adul-line with our values and beliefs. From a Biblicalneverbeallowedunderanyterers,noreffeminate,nor perspective, morality is based on the teachingscircumstances.Thosewhohomosexuals."ofJesusandtheTenCommandments,whichbelievethatabortionshouldLeviticus 20:13: "If a man emphasizetheimportanceoflovingGodandbeallowedincertaincir- lieswithamaleashelies lovingourneighbor.TheBiblecontainsmanycumstancesarguethatitwith a woman, both of them moral principles that are found throughout bothcanbenecessarytoprotecthave committed an abomina-the Old and New Testaments, such as the impor- the health and safety of thetion. They shall surely be put tanceoflivingalifeofintegrity,justice,andmother,orincasesofrapeto death."compassion for others. It emphasizes the impor- or incest. On the other hand,Hosea Cannon, Jr Romans 1:26-28: "For this tance of loving God and loving one\'s neighbor. Itthose who believe that abor- causeGodgavethemup teaches us to be humble and to forgive those whotion should never be allowedunto vile affections: for even have wronged us. The Bible speaks of the need toargue that it is the taking of a human life andtheir women did change the natural use into that be generous and to help those in need. It encour- thatitshouldneverbeallowed,regardlessofwhich is against nature."ages us to be thankful for all that we have and tothecircumstances.Ultimately,thedecisionofEuthanasiaisadifficulttopic,asitinvolves trust in God\'s plan for our lives. whetherornottoallowabortionisadifficulttheendoflifeandthedecisionofwhetheror Moral relativism is a popular concept in mod- and complex one that must be made on a case- not to end it. It is a controversial issue, as it is ern society, which suggests that morality is sub- by-case basis. It is important to remember thatseen as a violation of the right to life, and some jective and that there is no universal standardno matter which side of the debate one is on,peoplebelievethatitshouldnotbeallowed. of right and wrong. However, it is important toeveryoneshouldberespectfulofeachother\'sOn the other hand, some people believe that it recognize the need for moral standards in orderopinions and beliefs. However, Christians shouldis a humane way to end suffering, and that it tomaintainafunctioningsociety.Withoutabe on Gods side: Exodus 21:22-25 If people areshouldbeallowedincertaincases.Thereare sharedsetofvalues,itisdifficulttocreateafighting and hit a pregnant woman and she givesmany ethical and legal considerations that must sense of community and trust. Moral decay canbirth prematurely but there is no serious injury,be taken into account when discussing eutha-lead to negative consequences such as increasedthe offender must be fined whatever the womansnasia, and it is important to have an open and crime, corruption, and social unrest. It can alsohusband demands and the court allows.23 But ifhonest dialogue about the issue. Ultimately, the lead to a breakdown of trust between individu- there is serious injury, you are to take life for life,decision of whether or not to allow euthanasia als and institutions, as well as a lack of respect24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand,mustbemadeonacase-by-casebasis,and forauthority.Thiscanleadtoadecreaseinfoot for foot,25 burn for burn, wound for wound,should be based on the individual\'s wishes and productivity,adecreaseineconomicgrowth,bruise for bruise. Clearly God values the unborn. the best interests of the patient. Here are some and a decrease in overall quality of life. MoralSame-sexmarriageisanothertopicthatisscriptures that relate to human dignity and the decaycaninasocietyleadstoadecreaseinwidely debated, with some people believing thatunauthorized taking of a life: Do not rebuke an social cohesion, as people become more dividedit should be allowed and others believing that itolder man, but appeal to him as a father. Treat and less likely to cooperate with each other. Thisshould not be allowed. Supporters of same-sexyounger men as brothers, older women as moth-leads to further social unrest and a decrease inmarriagearguethatitisafundamentalrighters, and younger women as sisters with complete publicsafety.Ultimately,societalmoraldecayfor all people, regardless of their sexual orienta-can have a significant and damaging impact ontion. They believe that same-sex couples shouldContinued on Page 7Contemporary moral issues are complex and often controversial. Abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, social inequality, and technology and morality are all topics that are widely discussed and debated in today\'s society. Each of these topics has a variety of perspectives and opinions that are based on personal beliefs and values.6 JULY 2023 BOCNEWS.com'