b'COMMUNITYWhat Have You Done for Me Lately?By David Lord inequalities,buthasalsoinducedmultiple physicalandmentalhealthissuesandeven crises among students at all levels. The effect T raumabonding,alsoknownasStockholmhad a greater impact on the lower socioeconomicThe United States spends Syndrome,describesadeepbondbetweenclasses. At one point in this countrys history it victimandabuser.Despitethisbondbeingwas against the law to teach a black person tomore on education per unhealthy and damaging to the victim, the vic- read. While no longer illegal, in essence, you get tim often develops a strong sense of loyalty tothe same result from government schools. student than any other the abuser. Bydesign,educationhasbecomeabattle-Thisaccuratelydescribestherelationshipground in the culture wars for the hearts anddeveloped country. The 2021 betweenblackvotersandtheDemocratparty.minds of Americans. Where once the American For decades blacks have dutifully voted for lib- education system was renowned for its emphasisAnnual Survey of School eral politicians who, in turn, have taken themon innovation and creativity, it has now become forgranted.Day-to-dayissuesofthemajor- a conduit for indoctrination, a vehicle to produceFinance Systems published ity of black Americans have been discarded forunquestioned obedience to experts and the rul-theconcernsofforeignnationalsenteringtheing elite. Startingwith your children!by the Census Bureau in countryillegally,LGBTQQIP2SAA+rights(You figure it out!), and climate change. The refusalPlease explain to me why a parent taking a six- May of this year, places the toacknowledgeandlegitimatelyaddresstheyear old into an adult bookstore is violating the negative impact progressive policies have had inlaw, while that parent could send the same childcost per student at $14,347. blue cities (many with black mayors) and statesto school where they could find similar reading shows the level of indifference towards blacks. Itmaterial and, as a bonus, get a lap dance from aYet the United States ranks seems poverty, crime, drug abuse, mental anddrag queen named Sigourney Beaver? Why, in physicalhealthissues,andhomelessnessarethe State of Colorado, must a person under thein the middle of the pack on the liberal vision for America. The lives destroyedage of 18 have written consent from a parent or are acceptable losses in pursing the greater good! legal guardian to get a tattoo, but can have theirreading, science and math bodies altered by hormones and surgery before Oneofthemostcrucialareaswhereliberalor after puberty without their parents knowledgescores.policies have failed black Americans is the edu- orpermission?Illinoisisjustonestatewhere cation system. Im going to emphasize this sub- the State Board of Education says a students ject because education is one the most reliabletransgender,nonbinary,orgendernon-con-predictorsofoccupationalsuccessandoverallforming identity cant be disclosed without the lifetime income. It is also one of the most glar- explicit consent of the student. That includes ingexamplesofthearrogance,condescensionparents! if I strongly disagree. The clumsy, illogical, emo-and mind-numbing stupidity of the progressiveThe United States spends more on educationtionalliesthathavebecomepartandparcel Democrat agenda. per student than any other developed country.of the liberal/progressive/leftist/Marxist/woke/One would think education would be a prin- The2021AnnualSurveyofSchoolFinanceCommunistagendaareaninsulttoanyone cipal concern of a party that claims it wishes toSystemspublishedbytheCensusBureauinwith an IQ above 85. The Democrat party has equip minorities with the means to escape pov- May of this year, places the cost per student atbeen hijacked by a cabal of left-wing elitists who erty and realize their fullest potential. However,$14,347. This is a 6.3% increase over the previ- despise the very nation and people who are the aswithmostorganizations,theapparatusofous fiscal year and the largest since 2008. Yetsource of their power and wealth. A clear mes-the educational industry (i.e., teachers unions)according to the Pew Research Center, interna- sage needs to be sent to these overlords: They focusesfirstandforemostonitsownsurvivaltionally, the United States ranks in the middle ofneedusmorethanweneedthem!Through and comfort (e.g., the leadership of BLM). Thesethe pack on reading, science and math scores. crushing defeats at the ballot box on every level teachers unions are bedfellows with, and haveDemocrats advance their agenda through theof government they will be reminded of the basic a cozy, mutually beneficial financial relationshipfour Fs: falsehoods, false hopes, fear, and fan- principles of our founding. Limits are placed on with the Democrat party. tasy! How many of the dire predictions regard- the government, not its citizens. Let this reign of TheU.S.DepartmentofEducation,Nationaling global warming/climate change have provenchaos and stupidity come to a merciful end!CenterforEducationStatisticsreportsthattrue? Even after elect-between 2000-2019 the percent growth of popu- ing a black person to lation in public schools is as follows: Studentstwo terms of the pres-7.6%;Teachers8.7%;DistrictAdministratorsidency, why is racism 87.6%.Accordingtothesameagency,scoressaid to be worse now in Reading and Mathematics plateaued in 2012than it was 60 years and began a slow decline until 2020 when scoresago?Withinflation, dropped 5 and 7 points, respectively. One couldcrime,andChinese accurately point out this is when Covid-19 hitspyballoonsflying and schools were shut down and distance learn- over our country, why ing was implemented. One could also point outiswhitesupremacy thatchildrenweretheleastvulnerabletothisthegreatestthreat virus. toournation?Why However,thecurrentadministrationincon- dopeoplewhohave sultationwithRandiWeingarten,headoftheneverbeenslaves liberal 1.7 million member American Federationexpecttobefinan-ofTeachersunion,keptschoolsclosed.Thisciallycompensated was unnecessary and it was known that it wasbypeoplewhohave unnecessary. neverownedslaves? RecentlyrevealedemailsobtainedbyaPeople cant vote until Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) fromtheyre eighteen, rent the Centers for Disease Control show the Bidenacaruntiltwenty-administration knew as early as January 2021five,orrunforthe thatthedraconianedictsimposedaspublicpresidencyunless health safety measures were not only ineffective,thirty-five years of age but harmful. That changed nothing. School andor older. Yet children businessclosures,masking,socialdistancing,notevenoldenough and the insistence we all get the Covid jab wouldtodriveareconsid-still remain in effect. eredcompetentto consent to have their The Journal of Global Health Reports states,genitals removed.SuchalongtermabsencefromschoolsandIrespectacivil, colleges has not only resulted in worse learn- rational,andrea-ing outcomes that are causing intergenerationalsoned argument even BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JULY 2023 follow us onfacebook 11'