b'OPINIONLet your Yeses be Yes, and Your Nos be No(Dont be a C.A.R.I.N)TH Mack Sr, APM, NABJ philosophicallyendedonJanuary31,1865,a, Karen is a pejorative but wasnt ratified until December 6, 1865; andterm used as slang for Texasbeingasignorantanddisrespectfulofawhitewomanper-F irst of all, I wanted to let you know if you donttheFederalGovernmentastheyarewaited2ceivedasentitledor agree with me, then you aint a Christianmore years before honoring the Federal Order.demandingbeyond hopefully no one has a problem with me sayingThus, came the creation of Juneteenth the TRUEthescopeofwhatis that, and no Im not serious.I dont have thecelebrationoftheemancipationoftheAfricannormal.But out of privilege to be an 80 year old white-man and tellSlaves.So America (North America) committedrespectfortheyoung a whole nation of people, that there cultural andthe same sin for 446 years, Yes. (2 Corinthiansladieswiththename racialidentity4:3-4) Karen both Black and isatstakeifUnfortunatelywehavetheveryoff-springsWhite and others.I theyrenotof those demonic and criminally insane peoplehave come up with my onmy-side.wanting to alter, lie and down-right dismiss orown acronym and def-Thatspret- erase the actual events of history, well maybe myinition, a C.A.R.I.N= isTH Mack, Sr. tyun-Godlyopening statement wasnt in jest, No God fearingaCaucasianwomen, andarrogant,Christian would lie or alter factual history.OnlywhoisanArrogant, butitworkedthe perpetual seed of a demon would do that!!!Racist, Ignorant, Narcissist; that over-reacts to sowhatdoesLet us remember science has proven that mentalany situation that involves people of color par-that say aboutillness is and can be genetic, the interesting factticularly Black men.thepeopleis, there have been studies about the genetically- Onewouldargue,whythenameC.A.R.I.N who drank theinsane for hundreds of years one of the first toinstead of Helen (Helen of Troy) one of the most Kool-aid. discussthiswasThomasHarperin1789,asnotoriousfemalesofhistorythatcauseda10 I wont bela- time went along there were hundreds of histori- year war, this war was started over her deceit-bor the point, its factual it happened (CNN Maycal discussions and notation throughout mentalful, adulterous ways the mere fact that history 22, 2020) lets not waste any more of the pre- and medical community Dr. Johann Spurzheimrepeatsitsselfissolelyduetotheun-Godly cious gift God has given us, time (Life).Speaking1817 who emphatically believe mental illness isdisobedienceofmanandinthiscasewoman. of. why are so many so-called Christians fight- hereditary.Now lets look at those who want to(1John3:4)Zuleika,shewasPotipherswife ing against the TRUTH. (John 8:31-32) Lets lookstealhistory,particularlysomeoneelseshis- and was one of the most notable C.A.R.I.Ns who at a few things; did America commit the sin oftory; does this look familiar to past history andwanted a slave to sleep with her and he refused. Chattel Slavery, Yes.Was this sin committed by/orhistoricalbehavior.Nowcomestheover- (Genesis 39:7-20)White Europeans the first no-native settlers towhelming question of is there any God or ChristPeople,justknowthatliesanddeceit,have America, Yes.Did Chattel Slavery last more thaninthisbehavior,No.ChattelSlavery,beatbeenaroundsincethebeginningoftimeand a 400 year time span, Yes.Were there millionsyour slaves, then go to Church sounds sadistic,fromthelooksofthingssomeofthesame of Africans, predominantly (West Africans) mur- mentally, emotionally and most of all spirituallyperpetratorsthroughout.Againremember, dered, mutilated and lynched un-mercifully, Yes.SICK!!!Let your Yeses, be yes and your Nos, be no. Has there been any other group, culture, sub- Historically we have accepted liars, just because culture or race of people to experience Chattelof skin color or gender, but God is no respecter Slaveryatthismagnitude,onthefaceoftheof persons! (Acts 10:34)Earth, No.When was America founded July 2,Maybe you shouldnt be either. Until next 1776,ratifiedandtime be bless, and think for yourself.acceptedonJuly 4, 1776; when was thefirstslavesSourcesofdata:NationalGeographic,The stolen/ kidnappedGuardian,KingJamesBible,NationalInstitute andshippedtoof Mental Health, US Census Report, US Library theNewAmericaofCongress,USNationalArchiveandRecord August20,1619Administration, CNN News MediaJamestown(USA), sotherewasa 157yearsofun- So those that are willing to support ethical,brutal,the position of stealing, dismissing or tortuous-impris- down-rightlyingabouthistory,our onment, before thehistory; leaves no question where they United States wasarecomingfrom(Demonic)The deemed a country,question now becomes what, will you Yes.do about it. (Mathew 18:6) Revenge Theseareallisnotacceptable,butTRUTHis!!! readilyavailablefacts,withsomuchmore(Romans 12:17-19)umbrageandsufferingthatcantbeputintoSpeakingofdemoniconeofthe words, due to the inhumane treatment by someoriginalKARENsjustdied(Carolyn demonic,pessimisticEuropeanmurderswhoBryant Donham) she lived a long and weresorcerers,witches,criminallyinsaneandenjoyouslife,whyandhowshould thieves. bethequestion!Andforthoseof Rememberthesepeoplewerekickedoutofyou who dont know who she is/she Europe,theyweregivenachoicethepunish- was one of historys most notorious ment for their crimes, which in some cases wasC.A.R.I.Ns.The C.A.R.I.N that cost deathortheNewAmericayoudothemathEmmitt Till his Life. whichwouldyouchoose???ChattelSlaveryIf you dont know what a KAREN is; 2 JUNE 2023 BOCNEWS.com'