b"POLICE . from page 18Although we have a system built onracism,thefactthatwehave peopleworkingwithinoursystem andwillingtoenforcethoseracist policies, laws, and procedures is our biggest problem, said Nikki Haley, whosecousin,WilliamGreen'was shot to death by a Black cop, follow-ing a routine traffic stop.MichaelOwenshotGreen,43, whilehewashandcuffedinthe backseatofapatrolcar.Green wasshotsixtimes.Theshooting occurredonJanuary27,2020,in Prince George's County.Aderrien Murry was given a chest tubeandplacedonaventilator attheUniversityofMississippi Medical Center in Jackson.Hehadacollapsedlung,frac-turedribs,andalaceratedliver because of the shooting, his mother said. He was released from the hos-pital Wednesday.Hislawyerandhismotherwant Capersfired.Caperswasrecently named Policeman of the Year by his department.ADE . from page 16themoonstopped,tillthenation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a man. Surely theLORDwasfightingforIsrael! 15ThenJoshuareturnedwithall Israel to the camp at Gilgal.Evenwhentherewasnolight andtheearthwasindarkness, God spoke and said, Let there be light!ThatwordlightinHebrews means;breakofday,shine,bring forth glory, happiness, the dawn of a new day; etc. The Bible said that God separated the light from dark-ness; Genesis 1:4 said; 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the dark-ness. In other words God separated thelightfromthedarkness.Iam heretosaythatthereisgoingto beaseparationofdarknessfrom yourlife.Allthosedarkissuesof life that have been attaching them-selves to you are going to be sepa-Continued on Page 22BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JUNE 2023 follow us onfacebook 19"